Volume 9, Issue 1 (2018)                   LRR 2018, 9(1): 213-238 | Back to browse issues page

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Dastranj F. An Investigation on the Effect of Syntactic Analysis on the Quranic Discourse of Wasiyat Verse. LRR 2018; 9 (1) :213-238
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-5012-en.html
Assistant Professor of Quranic Science and Hadith, University of Arak, Arak, Iran
Abstract:   (6158 Views)
Wasiyat" (testamentary wills) is one of the appropriate traditions which its importance and desirability has been emphasized in Holy Qur'an through different methods. However, recognizing its meaning and imperative rules, considering the declension (i’rab) analysis of the verse as well as the linguistic and metalinguistic level of the Quranic discourse, are of outmost significance. This study, using content analysis method and selecting a verse from Verses of the Rules (Ayāt al-ahkām), examines the effect of different syntactic analyses on the jurisprudence interpretation and the effect of jurisprudential assumptions in choosing the declension of the verse. Accordingly, the study seeks to answer the following question: what type of discourse system the Quranic discourse of Wasiyat relies on? Since the employment of the textual features is one of the important components of discourse analysis, there are several identificatory elements in the Qur'anic discourse analysis of the verse Wasiyat, namely, meanings of the words and expressions, declension and disagreement in syntactic rules, the principles and assumptions, and the impact of the jurisprudential ideas and thoughts. Although the disagreement in syntactic rules affects its jurisprudential judgment, it should be noted that since the disagreement in syntactic analysis is due to the difference in understanding the declension of the texts, various assumptions such as jurisprudential, verbal and so on, have a crucial role in choosing the declension of the verse. Consequently, the syntactic form of the verse Wasiyat implies a closed syntactic discourse which is based on a change from motivational to epistemic state. This involves elements such as different declensions which prepare the ground for jurisprudential judgment in the scope of necessity and religious preference. From the perspective of the believers to the necessity of Wasiyat (testamentary wills), there is a syntactic relationship governing the discourse system of the verse. Therefore, the governing discourse system of the verse is an intelligent and schematic one. From the perspective of religious preference, the interpretation of the phrase, " حَقًّا عَلَی الْمُتَّقین" and the word "بالمعروف", as a sentimental and emotional state, can lead to the perception of meaning and action. Therefore, the Qur'anic discourse of the Wasiyat, so far as the religious preference is concerned, is based on the affective discourse system, and thus an emotional- tensive type.

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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Language and Linguistics
Published: 2017/10/6

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