Volume 10, Issue 2 (2019)                   LRR 2019, 10(2): 251-269 | Back to browse issues page

XML Persian Abstract Print

Farzaneh Tajabadi/ Ph.D. of Linguistics, Assistant Professor, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran , f_tajabadi@sbu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (6501 Views)
Using visual-memory to memorize Quran's quotes is accepted as one of the best ways of doing so. Working memory is related to visual information, so, in this paper, Quran's text is analyzed by concepts such as word length effect and list length effect to answer the following question: is there any special discipline in visual structure of Quran quotes in a way that it leads to a better, quicker and easier quote memorizing? To collect data, in this research, The Quranic Arabic Corpus was selected as database and proposed methods in text-data-mining (PHP software, strlen function) and statistical methods were used for data analyzing. The results of each section were compared with word length effect and list length effect criteria and finally Quran readability was determined based on Flesch–Kincaid readability formula (1948). Results show that: 1) the verses length ranges from 1 to 129 words. In this case, the frequency of verses in the range of 2 to 20 words shows a significant difference with other verses. In this range, verses with 4 words are the most frequent ones.  In general, by increasing the number of words in each verse, its frequency of repetition decreases, and a general degradation trend is observed, which is consistent with the criterion of list length effect, because as the number of words in one verse increases, its level of difficulty also increases. The average length of the verses is 12.47, which is considered to be the same as the simple level in terms of the text difficulty level; 2) the number of letters of the Quran's words varies between one and maximum eleven letters. By increasing the length of words (from one to four letters), the frequency of words increases and after four - letter words, and the frequency declines sharply. The most frequent are four-letter words, and words shorter or longer than four letters are less abundant. This implies that throughout the Qur'an the effect of the word length is clearly evident. In other words, it contributes to visual memory and facilitates the learning and memorizing of verses; 3) The study of the relationship between the length of the verses with the length of the words used in them suggests that, although the length of verses increases significantly, the length of the words with an average of 4.25 does not show a significant difference; 4) As the number of surah increases, the amount of its content decreases, this means that the very pith of information is in the initial chapters, and thus the ordering of the surahs is not one to be expected in a text that is from simple to the difficult one. Overall, findings support the idea of visual structure, such as words and quotes' length is in line with word length effect and list length effect and text difficulty is in its simplest levels which makes visual-memorizing simpler.
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Subject: Linguistics
Published: 2019/06/15

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