Volume 8, Issue 5 (2017)                   LRR 2017, 8(5): 79-105 | Back to browse issues page

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Pishghadam R, Firooziyan Pour Esfahani A. Introducing Emotioncy as an Effective Tool for the Acceptance of Persian Neologisms. LRR 2017; 8 (5) :79-105
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-6452-en.html
1- Professor of TEFL, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
2- English Department, Imamreza International University, Mashhad
Abstract:   (8425 Views)
Creating and approving official Persian equivalents for the foreign words in Persian language is of great importance, which is considered to be done by the Persian Language Academy. Neologisms or newly-coined words are the inventions produced by language planners, which are supposed to replace the loan words. But these new words usually cannot have the opportunity to be entered into the active vocabularies of a significant portion of the native speakers of the Persian language. In this regard, we have proposed emotioncy as a tool for the acceptance of neologisms. Emotioncy, which is a blend of ‘emotion’ and ‘frequency’, refers to sense-induced emotions. In fact, it deals with the ways (e.g., visually or kinesthetically) individuals experience the world, which can affect and shape their mindsets. Considering this newly-developed concept of‘emotioncy” and its components (emotion, sense, and frequency), the present study intends to introduce this concept as a new tool to examine the problems of accepting neologisms. To be more specific, the present study aims to address the following research question: What strategies can be adopted by the Persian Language Academy in order to increase and decrease the emotioncy levels of words? Regarding this goal, a number of strategies were proposed in order to increase the emotioncy levels of neologisms (positivising emotions, enriching senses, and increasing frequency) and decrease the emotioncy levels of the loan words (negativizing emotions, depriving senses, and lowering frequency). It is our belief that these strategies can be implemented by the Persian Language Academy to popularize Persian neologisms. In the end, a number of implications were proposed and some suggestions were made for further studies.
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Article Type: Research Paper | Subject: Psychology of language
Published: 2017/11/22

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