Reference Style Guide

References List
Mentioning the references in all necessary cases should be fully observed (the referencing guide can be found here). To mention a reference, the numbering system should be used (Vancouver Style). Thus, the references should be listed in the reference list based on the order of use in the main text and they should be numbered orderly. Where ever necessary, the number of the given reference should be brought in brackets []. If there is more than one number in a [], the numbers must increase from left to right and be separated by “,” (e.g., [8, 11, 42]. If there are more than two following numbers, they must separate with “-“ (e.g., [12, 25, 32-38, 44-51].
Notice that the only valid references for scholarly articles are those with peer-reviewed content, mean published articles in peer reviewed journals; books, web pages, conference papers and posters, thesis and dissertations and so on are not appropriate references for scholarly articles. Due to this, at least 80% of the cited references of the submitted articles MUST be published articles in peer-reviewed journals.