Ph.D. candidate in linguistics, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (7391 Views)
In dependency grammar, Valency refers to the lexical characteristics of a verb. In this grammar categories such as verb and noun combine with other constituents of the sentence and as a result a hierarchical relationship is established between words in the sentence. In this grammar, it is assumed that each sentence has a main verb and based on the kind and number of the obligatory and optional complement(s) of the verb, the basic structure of the sentences in which the verb is used can be determined. But in every language, in addition to lexcical peculiarities, there are syntactic rules which apply to the basic structures and transform them to derived structures such as passive, causative, or topic.
In this paper, We intend to introduce the valency structure of verbs in the lexicon. For this purpose we have attempted to determine the complement(s) of the Persian verbs.
Article Type:
Research Paper |
Linguistics Published: 2015/12/22