Volume 8, Issue 3 (2017)                   LRR 2017, 8(3): 121-134 | Back to browse issues page

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Ghasemi R. The interaction between effective verbs in “A man in a cage” Sadegh Choobak. LRR 2017; 8 (3) :121-134
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-10394-en.html
Assistant Professor of French Language and Literature, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (8683 Views)
Modal verbs can shape the acts and decisions. They can either influence the states or the situations. In conjunction and disjunction’s relation between a subject and the object of value, these verbs have key factor and a crucial influence on the story. Changing the situations and going from one place and a level to another place needs sometimes the will and sometimes the power. Because of the juxtaposition of these two factors, the hero of “A man in a cage” faces some conflictual situations that he tries to resolve. Sometimes, he tends to preserve a relation and sometimes he wants to ends a relation, but in the both situations he cannot succeed. This story depicts the life of a man who is always trapped with what he has and what he loses. In such a situation his decisions and his works are so important because they show his position facing different problems and difficulties.
In our analysis, by referring to French semioticians theories like J. Courtés and J. Fontanille, we will show the underlying structure of signification emergence in novel. There are four factors being able to change an act: to want, to have to, to know and to be able to. Any change in each one of these basic elements could modify totally or partially the acts and the states. 
This article tries to show the impact of modal verbs on how feelings can be produced and modified. Because the loneliness is one of the major characteristics of Hassan, we try to discover how these factors can augment or reduce this felling.
Hassan is strongly affected by loneliness and this felling makes him isolated and unable to carry out what he desires. Hassan is very dependent on his wife and other objects; this dependence makes him more isolated and his life seems mysterious to others. This is a very delicate situation and it is the source of his loneliness.                
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Article Type: Research Paper | Subject: Sémiotique
Published: 2017/07/23

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