Level 4 field and the Qom Seminary
Abstract: (5025 Views)
Nowadays, subject crush in its own subjective and theoretical form is the focus of attention in linguistic milieu. To this end, scholars should accept some in adaptations in their points of view with current issues in literary science where some of their proponents ignore the intention of the author. This article tries to investigate the impact of this approach on Persian linguists and scrutinizes the unacceptable consequences of subject crush subjectivity. In addition, the author wants to know why some followers of this approach do not pay attention to author intention. In order to respond to these questions and by applying and criticizing some scholars of this realm like Saussure, Pierce, Hjelmslev, Wimsatt, Barthes and Breadsley, this article explains the reason of subjectivity of the words by referring them to the external entities. Hence, it verifies what has the impact on the author’s intention. The impact of these kinds of discussions on other related sciences like Uṣūl, Literature, their Acceptance or Refutation are the Main Objectives of the Present Research.
Article Type:
Research Paper |
Linguistics Published: 2017/07/23