Assistant Professor of French language, Islamic Azad University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
Abstract: (9462 Views)
In the process of foreign language learning, errors are common and predictable. Foreign language learners systematically commit errors due to the interference of their first language, their poor grammatical knowledge of the second language, or interference of another foreign language. Iranian French language learners in different levels of learning commit more errors in the application of prepositions than in other areas. Since prepositions play an important role in linking different parts of speech, errors in their use creates serious challenges for learners in the process of learning. In this research the focus of attention is to investigate the most frequent errors of Iranian French language learners in two categories of “inter lingual and intra lingual errors”. Furthermore, for pedagogic purposes, the correct use of French prepositions in each category is explained in simple manner. Findings show that semantic interference of Persian prepositions, the use calque, and semantic similarities in French propositions are the main reasons of errors committed by Iranian French language learners.