Volume 4, Issue 3 (2013)                   LRR 2013, 4(3): 133-153 | Back to browse issues page

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Abdi S A, Daryanavard M. Structural Analysis of the Story of Zakaria Tamer’s “Vajhol qamar” Based on Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Axes. LRR 2013; 4 (3) :133-153
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-11462-en.html
1- Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Bu-Ali-Sina, Hamadan, Hamadan, Iran
2- M.A. Department of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Bu-Ali-Sina, Hamadan, Hamadan, Iran
Abstract:   (8213 Views)
Zakaria Tamer, a Syrian writer, has been a leading writer of short stories. He has written his stories in an organized structure and a coherent way. All of his stories’ elements and components bring about movement and effort in order to send a specific message. “Wajh al-Qamar” is one of his stories in which he puts all elements together in a linear way to convey the message of defending Orient women who have been humiliated previously. To better understand the main message of the story, its analysis based on syntagmatic and paradigmatic axes makes a significant contribution to the transfer of message. Paradigmatic relation enables the writer to select among the words collection, those words which fit the structure, and the selected words will be put together in a vertical linear direction to create a new written composition. Its paradigmatic value is understood by the fact that Samiha means merciful (dedicator) and all Orinet women have dedicated their whole bodies to men. In syntagmatic axis, the relationship between phrases and their composition is investigated along a horizontal line, when they are put together, the story’s direction moves forward. The characteristics, which have been put together, have a clear meaning separately, but they will convey a symbolic meaning when used together like the syntagmatic of lemon tree with a mad man’s sigh, which refers to the creation of a distance between Samiha’s childhood and thereafter.
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Published: 2013/09/23

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