1- Associate Professor, Department of French Education, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
2- M.A., Department of French Education, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (6983 Views)
The main purpose of this study was to determine the degree of using cognitive learning and strategies of learning by Iranian French Language Learners. Furthermore, it aimed at determining the effect of using cognitive strategies on learner autonomy. In doing so, a questionnaire of 12 questions was filled in by 38 post-graduate students of TMU. The frequency of utilization of cognitive strategies including summarizing, memorizing, guessing the meaning of words, repetition, extra-curricular practicing, learning through comparative reasoning, note taking, using mnemo techniques, paraphrasing, review and research is studied. The results of Freidman test showed that the difference between the mean ranks was significant, and the most frequent strategies were note-taking (76.3%), guessing the meaning (75.65%), and elaboration (71.71%). In general, the results showed that among the cognitive strategies, there was almost a correlation between documentary research and extra-curricular activities. There was also a positive correlation with autonomy(58%).
Article Type:
Research Paper |
Education Published: 2011/09/25