Assistant professor of Persian language and literature, University of Isfahan
Abstract: (10593 Views)
Qalandari lyric that appears on the basis of fighting against hypocrisy (Riya) in Persian literature is associated with artistic delicacies in Hafez poems. Moreover, the concepts related to the realm of roguery (Rindi) and Qalandari causes to dynamism of Hafez poems. In these lyrics, Hafez creates the different type of value with changing the common and popular values of society. The change of common values leads to the process of production and transformation of meaning. In this way, Hafez follows an ideological and moral tendencies and criticizes the society advocating the Sufism. At first, Rindi and Qalandari are considered as value to reach the superior goal. This superior goal is a basic value. Undoubtedly, Researchers who have focused in superficial meaning of Qalandari poems, have not paid attention to this basic value. In addition, the process of creation of values in Hafez poems leads to the formation of an aesthetic space. In this way, Hafez uses inter subjective and intra subjective methods. According to dynamic values of Hafez Qalandari poems, in this research, we will survey the axiological system of Discourse and the process of creation of meaning through values.
Article Type:
Research Paper |
Discourse Analysis Published: 2017/03/21