Volume 6, Issue 5 (2015)                   LRR 2015, 6(5): 215-233 | Back to browse issues page

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Sabzevari M. The study of structure and formation of the derivational adverbs in standard Farsi with a cognitive approach. LRR 2015; 6 (5) :215-233
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-5896-en.html
Assistant Professor of Linguistics, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (6518 Views)
This study analyzes the structure and mechanism of derivational adverbs in standard Persian with a cognitive approach. Based on this approach historical changes and appearing new categories in a language originate in the mind and cognition of the speakers. The birth of an adverb in a language bears some cognitive mechanisms in the mind. The importance of an adverb is due to this fact that it is the sole category that can be an adverb by nature or to be an adjective with the function of adverb or it is a category-functional linguistic element. Therefore, a linguistic item can be always an adverb by nature or be derived from adjectives which are derivational adverb. In comparison to other categories of a language like noun, verb, adjective, proposition- which are basic and primary categories, an adverb can be said to be a secondary category since in most cases it is derived from adjectives by derivation. In a sentence, adverb is just a grammatical function which modifies the sentence or the verb. This research will study the cognitive process of derivational adverbs in Persian which are formed by adding the suffix “aneh” to a root.   
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Article Type: Research Paper | Subject: Linguistics
Published: 2015/11/22

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