1- Assistant Professor, University of Quranic Sciences, College of Sciences of the Qur'an, Mashhad, Iran , rastgoo@quran.ac.ir
2- Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Allameh Tabataba'i University of Tehran
Abstract: (1429 Views)
Among the lexical units of a language, all of which can be subjected to semantic expansion according to selection and combination, verbs are quite susceptible to radial and semantic expansion due to their nature. This article tries to use the cognitive approach to investigate the semantic expansion of the simple triad form of the event "Zarb" in the Arabic language. And in a descriptive-analytical way, while enumerating the marginal expansions of this verb, explain how they are produced and also the semantic sharing relationship between the derivatives of the same root. About 80 usages were extracted from the most advanced to the latest Arabic dictionaries for the event "Zarb", which, excluding similar usages, resulted in 32 radial meanings for this event. The result showed that the existence of a semantic relationship between the derivatives of a word can be confirmed in the light of the derivational property of the Arabic language. Therefore, from the most unmarked meaning of "stroke" to its metaphorical expansions, each of them conveys the concept of "pressure and force" in a way. Therefore, the claim that the meaning of "beating" is late in this event is questionable. Also, most of the marginal expansions of the verb "to multiply" are the product of the change in the most frequently used elements accompanying this event, i.e. space scenes. In addition, in the virtual expansion of the event "hit", the necessary-necessary interest and the cause-cause have more frequency in producing the radial meanings of this event.