1- Assistant Professor in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
2- Ph.D. Candidate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
3- Associate professor in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract: (6995 Views)
The present study was set out to investigate the generalizability of the findings of quantitative research studies in Iranian English Language Teaching (ELT) context. To this end, the researchers, first, examined the general characteristics of the people who had participated as study subjects in quantitative ELT research studies during the last ten years. Considering the subjects’ age and the research sites, it appeared that the participants in previous quantitative ELT studies belonged to 11 groups of people. Subsequent analyses revealed that more than 60% of previous research studies had been carried out in academic settings and on university students. About 20% of the studies had focused on language learners in private language institutes and students in junior high schools and high schools. Pre-university centers had participated in only 7% of previous studies. Highlighting the possible causes of the imbalanced focus of previous studies, the researchers then discussed the limitations that this skewed distribution impose on the generalizability of previous ELT studies.
Article Type:
Research Paper |
Education Published: 2012/04/18