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1. Assistant professor of Kurdish language and literature, Faculty of Language and Literature, Kurdistan Studies Institute, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran2. Faculty member of Kurdistan Studies Institute, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran ,
Abstract:   (1646 Views)
The simile formation process is based on the combined function of the two paradigms of selection and combination; Selection of phenomena and their combination, which is done with the purpose of conceptualization and Meaning production. Each of the simile components in both axes of selection and combination act as a network in the meaningful communication; Therefore, the communication of the simile components creates a special semantic system. In this system, each of the components is considered as a sign and plays a certain semantic role. The issue of this research is to investigate the symbolic system of simile and explain the process of signification of its components. The aim is to determine how a discourse system emerges in the form of analogy and the process of producing meaning in it. For this purpose, it is shown in the analytical-explanatory method how the poet, in the role of the subject, interacts with the “simulated” as an object in a special situation, and the result of this interaction is the mental perception that is determined by the “simulated to”. The result of the research shows that simile has a symbolic system and this system is associated with discursive, phenomenological-perceptual aspects and dynamic flow of meaning.

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