Volume 14, Issue 3 (2023)                   LRR 2023, 14(3): 191-211 | Back to browse issues page

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Nguyen Y T X, Ha X V, Dinh V T H. Teaching Writing to Young Learners: Vietnamese Primary School Teachers’ Beliefs. LRR 2023; 14 (3) :191-211
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-64877-en.html
1- PhD Ho Chi Minh City University of Education
2- PhD Macquarie University, Email: xuan.ha@mq.edu.au; Ha Tinh University , xuan.havan@htu.edu.vn
3- PhD Hue University of Education
Abstract:   (3066 Views)
This qualitative study examined the beliefs of Vietnamese primary teachers regarding writing instruction. The participants included 12 in-service teachers from five primary schools in a large city in Vietnam. The data consisted of in-depth semi-structured interviews. Qualitative analysis of the data showed several interesting insights into the teachers' beliefs about writing instruction for young learners and the challenges they faced in their classroom teaching. All the participating teachers believed that writing was very important for primary school learners, and teaching writing was one of the key tasks for primary school teachers. The teachers considered that students' lack of life experiences and creativeness was the most considerable challenge in teaching writing, but they faced several practical constraints in helping students overcome the difficulties. Notably, the teachers were supportive of methods to enhance the creativeness and emotions in students' writing, but they reported using model texts in teaching frequently. The socio-cultural contexts of teaching and learning were taken into account in the interpretation of the findings. This study is the first step to inform professional development programs and pedagogy to enhance the effectiveness of teaching writing skills to young learners at primary schools in Vietnam, and beyond.

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Article Type: Research article | Subject: language teaching
Published: 2023/05/31

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