Volume 7, Issue 5 (2016)                   LRR 2016, 7(5): 343-370 | Back to browse issues page

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Razavian H. The Study of Gender Role in Providing Details in Story based on the Functional Grammar. LRR 2016; 7 (5) :343-370
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-8016-en.html
Abstract:   (6858 Views)
The present study is an attempt to determine the frequency and the role of circumstantial elements with a comparative approach between writers in both sex within the framework of Systemic Functional Grammar. In this research, data include two stories called ʻBroken Marbleʼ, written by Simin Daneshvar (2001) and ʻThe Same as it wasʼ written by Jafar Modarres Sadegi (2006)which have been analyzed according to the concepts discussed in ʻIdeational Meta functionʼ and ʻTransitivity Systemʼ. As giving details in Functional Grammar is represented in the form of circumstantial elements in the text, at the first step, all the circumstantial elements in the stories were found and then according the Functional Grammar and linguistic context were categorized. Analyzing the data showed less circumstantial elements in Daneshvar's story than Modarres Sadegi's; but the former was more versatile in using various kinds of circumstantial elements in her work. In both stories, ʻ placeʼ adjuncts have allocated the highest amount of circumstantial elements to itself. In the work of man writer, there is no guise and sourceʼ adjuncts , while woman writer has used these kinds of adjuncts. She has used all of them in the form of quotation (citation), so that, when she narrates the story from the mouth of the main character, remembers others' utterances in each situation. Also, in the story of woman, it can be seen that there are the situations which represent feelings, and she has transferred these feelings by using different kinds of adjuncts. It seems that review of literary texts from this perspective reveals new aspects of these works in fiction, literary criticism and stylistics. Introducing this category and applying it in stylistics of stories, is another objective of the present article.
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Article Type: Research Paper | Subject: Linguistics
Published: 2016/11/21

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