Showing 3 results for Hassan Hosseini
Kobra Roshanfekr, Morteza Zare Berom, Hossein-Ali Ghobad,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (7-2011)
Occupation of Palestine and Iraq’s invasion to Iran, as two enormous events of the twentieth century, overshadowed the lives of two lands. Meanwhile, literature- especially poetry-as one of the thinking areas of the Palestinians and Iranians, had witnessed a fundamental transformation. The poets of the two lands parallel to the enemy’s attack, showed resistance together with the combatants against the invasion of the enemy. “Smyh Alqasm” and “Hassan Hussein were two poems who left various worthwhile resistance poems. One indicator of this type of literature is the use of dramatic, symbolic and lyric contents.
The present paper intends to investigate the reflection of changes caused by the onslaught of foreign enemies on the deployment of concepts and symbolic myths as well as the homology, differences, semantic developments and concept changes of these themes in the lyrics of Samyh Alqasem and Hassan Hosseini. The results indicated that both Samyh Alqasem and Hassan Hosseini have used symbolic and natural, human being, animal and place lyrics but symbolic and lyric meanings in the poets of Samyh enjoy more initiative, variety and extension.
Volume 2, Issue 3 (8-2017)
In a comparative study, this paper by using a descriptive analytical method seeks to examine the similarities and differences of the two drfferent cultuers and languages in terms of the type of the image ot the characters.
Depiction of the revolutionary and epic dimensions of image's personality,the extraordinary perspective of the two poets upon image, the link with the present time and society, the tendency towards complexity, and the avoidance of straightforwardness in the commonalities in the poetry book , and the diversity and broadness of aspects of the character, as well as combination of image of some of the characers with concepts of melancholy and grief are characteristics of the Arabic poetry book.
Volume 2, Issue 3 (8-2017)
The current research is based on the theory of Lucien Goldman The creator of the work of art is the representative of a particular class whose collective thinking turned into a productive work by his author, the comparative-analytical study of the social sources of the poems of Donqle and Hosseini as intellectuals of the popular class. Prodotti explains the presence of collective thought in their mental network by examining the ideals of these two poets. The achievement of this study suggests that both poets have a duty to distinguish and to expand the collective thinking of ideals that are summed up in the land, justice and culture. They succeeded in fulfilling this mission against the society and the people's classes and their lost ideals, and obstacles to achieving these aspirations, which were often the result of malicious foreign policy and, in some cases, the mismanagement of internal leaders. , Identify.