Ph.D., Department of Linguistics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran/
Department of English Language & Literature, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran
Abstract: (7148 Views)
Reduplication is a lingual phenomenon some of which are seen in all languages, but some are specific to some languages alone. The current article deals with the reduplication in the Turkish language, especially a kind of partial reduplication. Taking into account the existing data and in relation to the first question of the research, we can say that the complete reduplication in the Turkish language and the reduplication that is termed as 'ETBA' in the traditional Persian grammar have a similar application and mechanism. The second research question, in a way, is related to a type of partial reduplication in the Turkish language. In this type, some of the initial elements of the words are separated and after getting specific phoneme rejoin the base word hence; lead to change in the meaning with most of them emphasizing on the base or its intensification. In order to respond to the second research question, with due attention to the phoneme that comes in between the reduplicated part and the base word, the current article takes into account a number of formulas to explain the partial reduplication mechanism in the Turkish language and finally presents an ultimate formula. The research data indicates that considering phonetic and phonemic environment it is not enough to provide an explanatory analysis of this kind of reduplication in Turkish; and it seems a further analysis of why a specific phoneme appears between the reduplicated part and the base word is needed taking into account other linguistic factors such as supra-segmental.
Article Type:
Research Paper |
Language Published: 2014/09/23