Volume 14, Issue 2 (2023)                   LRR 2023, 14(2): 429-459 | Back to browse issues page

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noresideh A A, mirahmadi R, poorbairam alvares R. Application of Cognitive dimension reading the discourse of 31 Nahj al-Balaghah. LRR 2023; 14 (2) :429-459
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-50653-en.html
1- Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature in Semnan University , noresideh@semnan.ac.ir
2- Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature in Semnan University
3- PhD student in Arabic language and literature in Semnan University
Abstract:   (1753 Views)
Semiotics of discourse provides an opportunity to study how meaning is produced, functioned, and received in a processual system. Accordingly, the relations of signifiers, and the power of signifieds are not enough to show the production of signifiers and meanings. Also, the conditions and nature of discourse construction are examined too. In this regard, to study the process of the cognitive dimension system of Nahj al-Balaghah and the strategies of inducing cognition in the cognitive cycle and the role of the discourse partner, letter 31 entitled- His will for Hassan- son of Ali, which he wrote to him in Haderin” - Famous for the will - was selected and examined by analytical-descriptive method. The results showed that the speed and slowness of the persuasion process, strategies and tools to use it, including encouragement, warning and forbid in the letter, depends on the audience and the existence of ethical beliefs in the archive of his reference belief. Therefore, because Imam Hassan (AS) is an audience that has a common belief and reference belief with the narrator, cognitive variants in the cycle of cognitive process are offered quickly. In these circumstances, the existence of ethical belief precedes cognition and persuasion strategies, and the types of awareness that have the aspect of encouraging ethical action are used the most. Also, if there is a danger in the way of the audience reaching the valuable object, pseudo-right and wrong, the narrator uses the types of warning and Forbidden, which have the lowest number in the mentioned letter.

1. Introduction
After the holy Quran, the study of nahj al - balagha has always been the focus of attention among researchers and in recent years, discursive studies, its genesis processes, as a new approach, has attracted the attention of scholars., in this regard, this approach is the knowledge that studies the discourses in which discursive operations are a way to produce different and unexpected discourses. From this point of view, discourse becomes the location of recording the value, production, transformation, destructiveness, reconstruction and transformation of it to a new and different value.In this regard, the signifier is not separate from the signified and by placing in a processual system, the meaning can be achieved and not frozen and is plural because of its dynamic and inexhaustible nature. 

2. Literature Review
In this research, the letter of the 31th from nahj al - balagha was selected to study the cognitive aspect of discourse and how the process of its formation process was formed. The letter is known as the will because of having different instructions, such as moral matters that Imam Ali (peace be upon him) as the narrator, is seeking to induce it to Imam Hasan as the audience. Therefore, in this research, we seek to investigate how the audience is convinced by the narrator and its tools and mechanisms. Also, in this research, studying the relation of cognition with ethics to achieve convincing facilitate the reading of the text  as well as having reference to ideological belief in the background of audience 's belief too. 

3. Methodology
The time-area of the research in the discourse of 31 st nahj al - balagha is the year 38 and the location-area of the study is related to the time of return of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) from the Saffin war on the Haderin .This letter after the letter of Malik Ashtar, has the longest text and contains moral parts , self - purification , self - improvement and contemplation in thirty sections ., The subject of  Imam Ali 's letters mainly includes recommendations , messages , and instructions that it's audience are the enemies , agents , children and adherents .Therefore , it seems that the overall structure of the letters in comparison to the sermon due to its custom and informative nature is a kind of actional system which they describe as the legislator , the order and the way of action .The reason behind choosing the mentioned letter is the nature of the letter which is active due to having advice and the other is the presence of a discourse partner , Imam Hassan ( peace be upon him ) as a child to examine the narrator 's strategies to induce cognitive discourse .
Data analysis was done by collecting all quantitative samples. Then, due to the limitations of this article in the subject area, some cases have been selected which have more clarity  to demonstrate the concepts. After selecting samples, description and qualitative analysis were done using available data. After describing the selected samples, in comparison, all the species were collected and the frequency of each species was determined .It should be noted that the cognitive aspect of discourse in the letter does not imply denying other discourse aspects, but rather the criterion of cognitive discourse preference, the nature of imam 's letters and in particular the will in which the testator wants an action from the audience to do. Therefore, this paper first examines the cognitive system process to achieve its meaning and its tools as well as its relation with the ethics .It should also be noted that the ethics cycle and recognition of achievements and innovations of this paper have not yet been mentioned elsewhere.

                                                 4. Results         
The study of strategies of persuasion in the cognitive discourse of 31 nahj al - balagha , showed that the discourse partner in parallel with the narrator determines the strategies and action tools and persuasion .This means that if there is the ethics in the referral archive of the audience and his belief , in this case the recognition cycle is faced with acceleration , acceptance and speed of supply .In this case , it appears that ethics is preceded by the recognition and flow of persuasion .Also , in the case that there is no reference and belief in the audience 's belief archive, the recognition and process of persuasion is preceded by ethics.In this case , the recognition cycle is slowly or may be stopped because the cognitive process is obliged to produce , remove , replace, and reconstruct the recognition cycle in a more complex time frame .In fact, the more powerful the ways of persuasion can be produced, the more continuous the ethics these ethics   are remaining as defaults in the collective memory of the actors and facilitating the ground for further persuasion.
In fact, the results of the cognitive analysis of the letter show that this process is faced with the acceleration of supply, because of having audiences that have a common reference to the narrator. Thus, the narrator uses an informative species that is encouraged to ethics act. Also, because of the common belief between the two poles of discourse, the narrator and the discursive partner, the prohibitory is the least species identified in the letter and if the narrator uses prohibitory   species when he feels the danger in the path of achieving the object of value (i.e., not realizing the right of falsehood).

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Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: Arabic language
Published: 2023/05/31

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