Volume 5, Issue 2 (2014)                   LRR 2014, 5(2): 31-54 | Back to browse issues page

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1- Ph.D. student in Arabic Language & Literature, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
2- Assistant Professor in Arabic Language & Literature, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
3- Associate Professor in Arabic Language & Literature, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
4- Professor in Arabic Language & Literature, Bu-Alisina University, Hamadan, Iran
Abstract:   (7040 Views)
Story utterances are means for expressing sayings and thoughts, and a suitable situation for promoting story incidents that establish a wide part of every story; the "narrator" should represent the utterances in a way that the reader gets familiarized with the story deeply. Therefore, stylistics of story utterances is necessary for better understanding of the story. Styles of representing story utterances, which comes from the relationship between the narrator and the story characters, are divided into five types:  direct speech, indirect speech, free direct speech, free indirect speech, and narrative report of utterances. The present article deals with descriptive and analytic styles of "Assabbar" novel (1976), while it presents a complete statistics population of story utterances. The findings showed that utterances in the order of direct speech style, narrative report of utterances and free direct speech style have the most frequency in this novel. The narrator allows characters to connect with the reader by using direct speech and free direct speech styles, and familiarize them with the political, social and cultural problems of their society, because these two styles cause intimacy between the reader and the characters, and transfer the message of the writer to the reader in a good way. Sometimes, the narrator establishes control over the time of the story incidents, and advances them with a narrative report.
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Published: 2014/06/22

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