Yousefian Kenari M, Kiyanian M. Study on Dialogic Beats and Their Dramatic Functions in Four Plays of Mohammad Yaghoubi (An Approach to Paul C. Castagno’s Language-Based Strategies). LRR 2015; 6 (2) :215-234
1- 1. Assistant Professor, Department of Dramatic Literature, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
2- M.A. Student in Department of Dramatic Literature, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (6191 Views)
The Dialogic beats make up a significant portion of a play as concrete manifestations of language paying attention to reader’s mind. This paper aims to study on features of linguistic arrangements find an answer for the main research question i.e. analysis of Dialogic beats in “technique of playwriting” by Mohammad Yaghoubi and their function in linguistic structure in discussed samples. The theoretical framework derived from linguists’ ideas in field of literature and drama such as Paul C. Castagno and Vimala Herman enables qualitative analysis of samples and achieving objectives of the research. The research method is descriptive – analytical. The findings suggest the fact that Yaghoubi, as one of the Iranian contemporary playwrights, uses different arrangements in writing dialogue and applies dialogic beats in wide levels of linguistic and meta-linguistic implications as a mean for “emphasis”, “suspension”, “interruption” and also effecting on ending methods of the work. The difference is that function and the way of using these linguistic arrangements has been more specific and more harmonic with the theme of work.