Volume 11, Issue 3 (2020)                   LRR 2020, 11(3): 65-94 | Back to browse issues page

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Rezapour E, Hosseini S H. Semantic Space of Some Light Verbs in Mazandarani Language based on Cognitive Approach. LRR 2020; 11 (3) :65-94
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-12846-en.html
1- Assistant Professor of Linguistics, Faculty of Literature and Foreign Languages, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.
2- M. A. candidate in General linguistics, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.
Abstract:   (3953 Views)
Mazandarani is one of the Iranian languages which has many speakers in Mazandaran province in north of Iran. In the present research, one of challengeable topic ,namely, light verbs in Mazandarani language is investigated based on cognitive linguistics. Some linguists claimed that light verbs have no any core meanings, but they have metaphorical meanings. The aim of this research was to describe complex verbs in Mazandarani by cognitive approach. The main questions of research are: are there any light verbs in Mazandarani language? Can light verbs in Mazandarani contribute to develop semantic meanings? Do the light verbs produce new meaning when compounding with noun, adjective and adverb? Is compounding of preverb and light verbs a productive process? The hypotheses of research are: There are many light verbs in Mazandarani language. The light verbs in Mazandarani can develop semantic meaning and the semantic space of light verbs indicates that they can produce new meaning. Also,  compounding of preverb and light verb is a productive process. The data of research are collected based on speech of some Mazandarani speakers and Tabari dictionary. Semantic space of complex verb, verb type, proverb and type of the light verb surveyed. Differences in shaping of the complex verb in Mazandarani in contrast with Farsi were compared from different aspects such as: morphology, syntax, lexical and semantic. In addition the features for identification of these verbs are used. As a result we can say that complex verbs in Mazandarani according to the cognitive approach is productive process which applies the physical aspects and social experiences of life and by applying light verbs in combination, the meaning of compound verbs figuratively expands to easily create new concepts and transferring takes place, applying these new verbs cause productivity. The compound verbs compositionally have a compositional meaning. In discussion of semantic space, a certain verb on the base of type of proverb it takes can be situated in a semantic space and creates different semantic space. There are also semantic islands. These islands are branches of light verbs construction that suggest the same concept of the verb on the base of same light verb and special verb are associated.
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Article Type: Research Paper | Subject: Arts and Humanities (General)
Published: 2020/07/31

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