Volume 9, Issue 4 (2018)                   LRR 2018, 9(4): 137-156 | Back to browse issues page

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Bashiri A, Mohamadi O. The Level of efficiency of Lefevere’s approaches in translation from Arabic to Persian and vice versa.. LRR 2018; 9 (4) :137-156
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-16192-en.html
1- Assistant professor in Department of Arabic literature in University of Kashan , A.Bashiri@kashanu.ac.ir
2- Assistant professor in Department of Persian literature in University of Gonbad Kavous
Abstract:   (9241 Views)
This research aims at describing the sevenfold solutions presented by André Lefevere for the poetry translation in a precise manner. These seven solutions are 1. Phonological or phonetic translation; 2. Literal translation; 3. Metrical translation; 4. Translation of the poetry into prose; 5. Rhymed translation; 6. Translation into blank verse, 7. Interpretation. The next step after the description, is to evaluate its proficiency in this field by implementing these solutions in translation of the poetry from Arabic to Persian and vice versa.
It is natural that due to the difference in genres and styles of poetry versification among Latin , Persian and Arabic languages, some solutions are specific to English poetry, which is the subject of Lefevere's task, and there is no place for the emergence in the Persian and Arabic languages, and also some solutions are implementable with few or many differences. This paper attempts at first, to introduce Lefevere’s ploys, by implementing the procedures of translation from Persian into Arabic and vice versa, and evaluating the weaknesses and strengths of each solution. The importance of this paper is twofold: firstly, among the writings in Persian language, Lefevere's sevenfold solutions have not been fully introduced and have been referred to only in the context of the books. In this paper the authors have attempted to introduce each of these solutions completely. this research does not restrict itself to theories, but it seeks to implement the theoretical solutions.
It is perceived from the implementation of Lefevere's solutions that six out of seven aspects of his sevenfold aspects are largely adaptable in Arabic translation into Persian and only the sixth one is not possible to be implemented, since it is the translation ploy into blank verse which is unique to English and has no counterparts in Persian and Arabic. Also, the first ploy is not adaptable in all languages, but it can be translated in Persian and Arabic due to the common vocabulary of these two languages. In addition, none of these solutions can be instrumental independently in translation from Persian into Arabic, and the translator should use a combination of different solutions to translate the poetry.
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Subject: Linguistics
Published: 2018/10/26

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