Assistant Professor of International Relations, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran. Iran
Abstract: (9099 Views)
Concepts, in each language are signs that indicate meanings. They are usually made by humans and often affected by various factors. Some of the most important of these concepts, which have changed, are the "Ra'iyat" and "Raa'" words, which were used in the words of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) for the first time. But gradually they have undergone the change in the context of the fluctuation of political semantics, so discourse of the negative pattern of the pastoral rule has been created.
Considering the importance of these political words, the effect of their meaning change, the Importance of Citizenship Rights and its Relationship with these concepts can raise the following question: How to understand these concepts based on cognitive semantics, and what are their true meanings in politics? The purpose of this article is to explain the Cognitive semantic of the Prophet's Hadith in order to understand the truth of the pastoral discourse. The findings, which are based on an analytical approach of Prophetic hadith "Kollokom Raa' " through library data and conceptual metaphor theory of G. Lakoff & M. Johnson explain the use of these concepts in the context of Hadith as a conceptual structural metaphor having Meaningful and abstract sense of guard and "Re'ayat"(respect) and "Mora'at"(observance). Pastoral discourse (Raa’) is therefore the result of the acceptance of the responsibility and realization of the rights of citizenship on the basis of the substance and essence of citizens and is based on the discourse of domination and despotism.
Article Type:
Original Research |
Language and Linguistics Published: 2017/11/3