Volume 5, Issue 1 (2014)                   LRR 2014, 5(1): 271-295 | Back to browse issues page

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Mehrabi M. Lexical Information of Persian Transitive Verbs during Sentence Comprehension. LRR 2014; 5 (1) :271-295
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-2003-en.html
Assistant Professor of Linguistics, Ayatollah Borujerdi University, Borujerd, Lorestan, Iran
Abstract:   (6255 Views)
In the present investigation, experimental framework has been used to clarify the nature of lexical information arrayed against the lexical entries of Persian transitive verbs. In the test, we categorized the transitive verbs into 5 groups. What differs them is the number of argumental structural and sub-categorization frame options of each verb. We are going to find out which one is more fundamental in sentence processing, and that whether the verbs with less structural argument and sub-categorization frame options are processed faster or not. Twenty normal native speakers of Farsi participated in these tests. The subjects were divided into two groups. They had to perform a secondary visual lexical decision task in the immediate vicinity of the verb while listening to the sentence for meaning. Reaction times to this secondary task showed the representational complexity of  the verbs. This is called "cross modal lexical decision method". Using DMDX software program, the tests were performed, and using ANOVA and t-tests, the data were analyzed. The results showed that both the argumental structure and sub-categorization frame possibilities of verb can affect sentence processing due to time.  
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Article Type: Research Paper | Subject: Psychology of language|Linguistics|Sense
Published: 2014/03/21

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