Volume 2, Issue 4 (2011)                   LRR 2011, 2(4): 17-39 | Back to browse issues page

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Horri A. A Study of the Quranic Iltifāt in the Light of the Structure of Discourse Information. LRR 2011; 2 (4) :17-39
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-2291-en.html
Instructor, English Language Department, Arak University, Arak, Iran
Abstract:   (12440 Views)
This paper examines the Quranic Iltifāt in the light of the structure of discourse information (SDI). The question is that how can Iltifat be justified through SDI? Firstly, it is referred to the literature review as well as the definition, categories and the kinds of Iltifat. Secondly SDI, topicalization, topic maintenance and point of view/focalization are analyzed. It seems that, through SDI, God turns the message into a new way (Iltifat) and gives it in a new package. This then results in the reader's empathy, which may change through the shift of point of view, hence, a change in Iltifat. Finally, the main findings read as follows: 1) in Iltifat, the reader receives information/ Quranic message in a new package via SDI, 2) Iltifat can be justified through topicalization and topic maintenance, 3) Iltifat is the innovatory use of language rather than a grammatical error, and 4) Iltifat and its kinds underscore the here and now of the Quranic oral discourse as well as the active role of the reader as the God's present audience.
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Article Type: Research Paper | Subject: Discourse Analysis
Published: 2011/09/25

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