Volume 10, Issue 3 (2019)                   LRR 2019, 10(3): 143-168 | Back to browse issues page

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Kanani E. Analyzing the poem of "the Death of Nasseri" by Ahmad Shamlou based on the Pattern of “I” as Dominant and “Other” as Defeated Proposed by Eric Landowski Model. LRR 2019; 10 (3) :143-168
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-26050-en.html
Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature-Kosar University of Bojnord- Bojnord- Iran. , ebrahimkanani@kub.ac.ir
Abstract:   (9583 Views)
In a paradigmatic shift, semiotics tends to poststructuralist approaches with phenomenological landscape. The result of this shift has been the emergence of subject at the center of enunciation by paying special attention to perceptive components and socio-cultural issues in the study of signs and language. In this perspective, the manner “ I” as subject encounters with “ other” undergoes diverse changes and new interactions come into play. New semiospheres emerge as a result of this encounter whose relations encompass interaction, contrast, exclusion, segregation and adjustment. This approach has been proposed by Eric Landowski –French semiotics theoretician- and is based on four main strategies including assimilation, exclusion, segregation and acceptation in case of identity. Thus, the main question of the present study is as follows: How is it possible to explain the semiotic place of culture as semiosphere and the type of interaction occurred between “Self” and “other” in discursive atmosphere of “Nasseri’s death” by Ahmad Shamlou? The purpose of this study is to investigate the type of their encounter (self –other) and their complex relationships in the so-called poem from the point of view of socio-cultural semiotics in order to explain the position of the cultural spaces that govern it. This study will pave the way to better understand the manner semiotic atmospheres interfere with each other and finally leads to the formation of central semiotic semiospheres at socio-cultural level.     
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Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: Semiotics
Published: 2019/07/15

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