1- Ph.D. Candidate in Theater, Faculty of Fine Art, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2- Associate Professor of Dramatic Arts, Faculty of Fine Art, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (7123 Views)
Tragedy and Ta'ziyeh are considered as classical dramatic forms that due to their roots in ritual and their dependence on religion, culture, myth and tone can be studied in a comparative manner. The aim of the present paper is to study the dramatic aspects and capacities of these two dramatic forms in comparison with each other. To achieve this goal, different parameters such as narrative or representation, alike and character, performance style, verbal effects, catharsis and audience impact are compared. In this study, we seek answer to the following questions; how the dramatic capacities of tragedy can be preferred over the Ta'ziyeh or vice versa. It seems that in the light of a semiotic approach and one of its sub branches, the digital and analog semiotics of Louis-Jean Calvet, the extent of dramatic similarities and differences between these two forms can be better investigated. Another objective of this research is to challenge the existing comparative studies in the context of Ta'ziyeh and tragic or epic plays that seems to have ignored the performance style, the most important element of Ta'ziyeh and have assessed its values than other types.
Article Type:
Research Paper |
Sémiotique Published: 2015/07/23