Volume 11, Issue 6 (2021)                   LRR 2021, 11(6): 383-418 | Back to browse issues page

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refaee ghadimi mashhad R, Gholamhoseinzade G. Investigating and Analyzing the Application of Text Worlds Theory on Aestheic Aspects of Persian Poetry (Case Study: One saadi's Sonnet and one Nima's Free Verse Poem). LRR 2021; 11 (6) :383-418
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-33943-en.html
1- PhD Candidate in Persian Language and Literature, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
2- Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran , gholamho@modares.ac.ir
Abstract:   (2115 Views)
Cognitive poetics as one of the new branches of cognitive science, provides appropriate tools for analyzing the text for the literay critics. The theory of text worlds is one of these tools and is useful in analyzing the textual space. In this study the authors seek to analyze the function of this theory in representing the world of constructed text in Persian poetry. To this goal, the authors  analyzed a sonnets of Saadi and a free verse poem of Nima, and examined the function of the theory of the text worlds. The results of this study indicate that this theory is more suitable for the analysis of free verse poetry, and in classical poetry, especially the liryc poetry, there are obstacles due to the inherent limitations of this kind of poetry. To solve the problems of classical poetry analysis, the authors have presented solutions using the theory of text worlds.

1. Introduction
Cognitive poetics as one of the new branches of cognitive science, provides appropriate tools for analyzing the text for the literary critics. The theory of text worlds is one of these tools and is useful in analyzing the textual space. Our purpose in this study is to analyze the function of this theory in representing the world of constructed text in Persian poetry. To this goal, we analyzed a sonnets of Saadi and a free verse poem of Nima, and examined the function of the theory of the text worlds. The results of this study indicate that this theory is more suitable for the analysis of free verse poetry, and in classical poetry, especially the lyric poetry, there are obstacles due to the inherent limitations of this kind of poetry. To solve the problems of classical poetry analysis, we have presented solutions using the theory of text worlds.
The article can be elaborated in more detail: Text world theory is one of the tools of cognitive poetics that provides the reader with the ability to carefully examine the components of a text. This theory has a coherent method for modern literary analysis because it explores internal elements and then analyzes the evolution of text discourses. The present research has demonstrated in practice that this theory is a tool for accessing discourse and the constituent elements of Persian poetic texts. An important point that the interpreter must consider in analyzing the text world of classical poetry is to pay attention to the elements of discourse and not to examine grammatical sentences.
In the analysis of poetry, this theory, more than anything else, deals with the context of the text and the explanation of the textual elements of the poem, and does not have the special ability to examine the rhetorical elements of the text. At the same time, in the course of our research, we have shown that despite the limitations of this theory in dealing with the rhetorical elements of the text, the rhetorical simile can be explored in sub-worlds of text. The inherent limitations of classical Persian poetry, such as the lack of narration and the lack of vertical focus in many poems, as well as the necessity of weight and the existence of rhyme and line, cause this theory to generally face limitations in dealing with classical poetry. With the application of several guidelines, this theory can be applied to classical Persian poetry. This theory is well-suited to criticism in modern poetry because of its greater narrative and lack of limitations on classical poetry
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Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: Discourse Analysis
Published: 2021/01/29

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