Volume 8, Issue 6 (2018)                   LRR 2018, 8(6): 103-136 | Back to browse issues page

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Reza pour E, Pishgoo M. The Functions of Derivational Prefixes of Semnani Light Verbs in Representation of Semantic Islands Based on Cognitive Approach: the Interface between Morphology and Semantics. LRR 2018; 8 (6) :103-136
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-3449-en.html
1- Assistant Professor in Linguistics, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
2- M.A. student in General Linguistics, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
Abstract:   (9556 Views)
Semnani is one of the genuine Iranian dialects which has many different features of ancient Iranian languages. The morphological system of Semnani language plays an important role in encoding and the representation of meaning. Light verbs of Semnani have various derivational prefixes. Each of these derivational prefixes has an important role in representation of meaning. The main questions of this research are: What are the functions of derivational prefixes in representing Semantic space of light verb constructions in Semnani language? Can derivational prefixes differentiate meaning in inner level of each light verb? What is the relationship between derivational prefixes and semantic islands of light verbs? The compound verbs in Semnani language have been made of two morphological mechanism, combination and incorporation. According to the semantic space of construction grammar, as a theoretical foundation of this research, and the study of semantic space in this theory, the researchers have investigated the textual corpuses which includes some books in Semnani language, the spoken text of 50 Semnani speakers and a glossary of Semnani dialect(Javaheri and PajumSharia’ti, 1387). They found that Semnani consists of 335 light verbs. It also shows that token frequency of light verbs Kerd-iyún, Hā-kerd-iyún, Vā-kerd-iyún, Bū-kkūwāt-iyún and B(e)-et-iyún in order are 989, 433, 139, 312 and 229 items. So, the most productive light verb is Kerd-iyún. The method of this research is descriptive-analytical and corpus-based that consists of the glossary of Semnani dialect (Javaheri and PajumSharia’ti, 1387), the book Semani Vaja, authored by Khalesi (1388), Peke Poor written by Andalib Semnani(1388), Learning Semnani Dialect authored by Pajum Sharia’ti and Khalesi (1392) and the spoken texts of 50 Semnani speakers. Compound verbs that included Kerd-iyún, Bū-kkūwāt-iyún and B(e)-et-iyún have been extracted. No verbal items in compound verbs play a vital role in the formation of semantic space of light verbs. The result shows that compound verbs in Semnani language have special structures which consist of a non-verbal part and a light verb. Each light verb in this language has a derivational prefix. Every formal change in the structure would cause a change in the meaning. So, in Semnani language a change in derivational prefix of compound verbs would be followed by a change in the meaning of light verbs. As a result a derivational prefix in a light verb is a variant and the formation of a semantic island is in the hand of this prefix. The result also shows that derivational prefixes in Semnani light verbs indicate the semantic difference in each of light verbs and there is a direct relation between the semantic island of light verbs and derivational prefixes. In other words, each of derivational prefixes of light verbs indicates a special semantic island in the semantic space of each of light verbs. Indeed, there is a direct relation between the morphology and semantics in Semnani language. The main purpose of present research is to investigate the functions of derivational prefixes of light verbs such as Kerdiyn, Betiyn and Bukkuwatiyun in Semnani language.
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Article Type: Research Paper | Subject: Sense
Published: 2018/01/21

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