Volume 13, Issue 1 (2022)                   LRR 2022, 13(1): 493-523 | Back to browse issues page

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Karbalai Sadegh M, Rabi Pour Dehshali M. A Comparative Study of Conceptual Metaphors of Joyness and Fear in Adolescent’s Literature: A Cognitive Approach. LRR 2022; 13 (1) :493-523
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-43226-en.html
1- Assistant Professore, Linguistics Department, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty,Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran , karbalaei@srbiau.ac.ir
2- M.A Linguistics Graduated, Linguistics Department, Literature,Humanities and Social Sciences Fculty, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad Unversity , Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (2521 Views)
Conceptual metaphor is one of the most important topics on cognitive linguistics. This approach, believes that the metaphor is a cognitive phenomenon and what appears in the language is just an aspect of this cognitive phenomenon. In this research, we aim to analysis joyness and fear of eight teenage novels from two Iranian novelists (a man and a woman) and two Spanish novelists (a man and a woman) – two fictions from each writer – and compared conceptual metaphors on areas of destination for joyness and fear, in teenage literature in Persian and Spanish. We choose these feelings among the fundamental concepts of feeling (Sadness, joyness, fear, anger, love and shame). We used library method for this research. For this purpose, conceptual metaphors of joyness and fear were extracted from the eight selected novels and their conceptual name-mapping and also origins were identified. On the next level, we compared these conceptual name-mappings and were identified their points of sharing and differences. In this regard, some of the concepts of the origin area such as color, physiological and behavioral effects, light and darkness were described with details. The other main goal of this research is to investigating the impact of author's gender on the quantity and quality of using metaphors of joyness and fear. The analysis of chosen corpus in Persian is shown that the most frequency of conceptual metaphors is related to “The Joyness is plant”, “The Joyness is light”, “The Joyness is The motion toward higher place or level”. Moreover, in the fear cognitive domain the data is shown that the most frequency is related to “the fear is motionless”, “the fear is fluid”, “the fear is building”. In addition, in Spanish the research is shown that The most frequency is dedicated to “the joyness is light”, “the joyness is direction, “the joyness is color”, the joyness is laughing”, “the joyness is singing”. Moreover, in Spanish “the fear is sweat”, “the fear is heart beat”, “The fear is the color face changing. So the similarities between Persian and Spanish conceptual metaphors is shown that these concepts are universal among languages
1. Introduction
The Conceptual metaphor is one of the most important topics on cognitive linguistics. This approach, believes that the metaphor is a cognitive phenomenon and what appears in the language is just an aspect of this cognitive phenomenon. In this research, we aim to analysis joyness and fear of eight teenage novels from two Iranian novelists (a man and a woman) and two Spanish novelists (a man and a woman) – two fictions from each writer – and compared conceptual metaphors on areas of destination for joyness and fear, in teenage literature in Persian and Spanish. We choose these feelings among the fundamental concepts of feeling (Sadness, joyness, fear, anger, love and shame).
Research Question(s)
1. What is the impact of author's gender on the quantity and quality of using metaphors of joyness and fear in the chosen novels?

2. Literature Review
Kövecses (1995) in his research, Language and Emotion Concepts, studied and compared the metaphors of fear and joyness. He mentioned that the metaphors of joyness are represented in the form of joyness is tempreture, joyness is animal and joyness is natural power.In addition, he pointed out there are similarities between these two mentioned conceptual cognitive domains.
Ning Yu (1995) in his research presents a comparative study of metaphorical expressions of anger and happiness in Chinese and English . It demonstrates that English and Chinese share the same central conceptual metaphore “ANGER IS HEAT”. Similarly,both English and Chinse share the “UP”, “LIGHT”, CONTAINER” metaphors in their conceptualizations of happiness, although they differ in some other cases

3. Methodology
This research have been done in library method. For this purpose, conceptual metaphors of joyness and fear were extracted from the eight selected novels and their conceptual name-mapping and also origins were identified. On the next level, The authors compared these conceptual name-mappings and were identified their points of sharing and differences.

4. Results
The analysis of chosen corpus in Persian is shown that the most frequency of conceptual metaphors is related to “The Joyness is plant”, “The Joyness is light”, “The Joyness is The motion toward higher place or level”. Moreover, in the fear cognitive domain the data is shown that the most frequency is related to “the fear is motionless”, “the fear is fluid”, “the fear is building”. In addition, in Spanish the research is shown that The most frequency is dedicated to “the joyness is light”, “the joyness is direction, “the joyness is color”, the joyness is laughing”, “the joyness is singing”. Moreover, in Spanish “the fear is sweat”, “the fear is heart beat”, “The fear is the color face changing. So the similarities between Persian and Spanish conceptual metaphors is shown that these concepts are universal among languages.
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Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: Linguistics
Published: 2022/03/21

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