1- PhD Candidate of Persian Language and Literature (Mystical Literature) University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
2- Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran , a.mirbagherifard@gmail.com
3- Associate professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
Abstract: (3124 Views)
Analyzing the process of mystical language formation, considering its main source, i.e. Qur’an, is an important new field of research. Due to the variety and extent of mystical texts, it requires fundamental and innovative researches so as to discover the hidden dimensions of this language. The aim of this research is then presenting a new proposed model for analyzing the process of mystical language formation, which is introduced as word behaviorology. Word behaviorology that analyzes the semantic changes of Qur’anic words in mystical textbooks is a step toward innovative analysis of the process of mystical language formation Word behaviorology model, using the advantages of Kurt Lewin's field theory in psychology and Izutsu's theory, creates a new form of mystical language analysis. Both Lewin's field theory, due to its considering environmental effects on behavior, and Izutu's theory, due to its considering the direct influence of Qur’an on mysticism, Islamic Sufism, basic and relative meaning, are very helpful in this research. The achievement of this research is that it presents word behaviorology as new path toward mystical language analysis.
1. Introduction
Mystical language, originating from all Islamic sources, is primarily related to the Qur'an, and its most important manifestation is mystical-literary works. The analysis of the reflection of this language based on word behaviorology opens a new path in the analysis of the process of formation of this language. Lewin's field theory is in the field of psychological studies and is used in the analysis of human behavior and the factors affecting it. This theory measures a person's behavior based on the environment around them. The reason for paying attention to this theory and introducing it to the field of linguistic studies is that due to its focus on the effect of environmental factors, it can be helpful in word analysis and the effect of environmental factors on its semantic changes in mystical language. The various dimensions, perspectives and details of Lewin's theory and its various applications in the analysis of psychological events are not the purpose of this study. What makes the basis of this research is the main ideas of Lewin's theory which are redefined according to their application in mystical language. On the other hand, in completing this research, what provides the effective and creative application of Lewin's theory is the use of Izutsu's theory in the book of God and Man in the Qur'an. In the second chapter of the book, by discussing “the Qur'an and the Post-Qur'anic systems”, he analyzes the direct impact of the Qur'anic system on subsequent conceptual systems, including Islamic mysticism. Furthermore, his discussions in the field of semantics, including basic meaning and relative meaning, which pay attention to the meaning of words, were used to analyze the semantic changes of Qur'anic words in mystical texts. Based on the creative use of theories and considering the differences that arise due to their application in mystical texts and the field of mystical language, these theories are used in a reconstructed process in this research. This application can lead to a new model in the analysis of mystical language.
This template is provided for analyzing the language of phrases and mystical teaching texts. This research is done with the focus on the word Tawbah (repentance) in the text of Al-Ta'aruf Li-Madhhab Al-Tasawwuf by Al-Kalabadi. The authors have also written another article on "Analysis of the process of formation of mystical language".
Research Question
The main question of this research is whether Lewin's field theory of psychology and Izutsu's theory of mystical language can be used to introduce the word behaviorology as a new way in analyzing the process of mystical language formation?
Research Hypothesis
The hypothesis of this research is that according to the capabilities of Lewin's field theory in psychology, by taking its focus away from man and his behavior, the focus of the theory can be shifted on the field of words and its behavior in mystical texts and with some fundamental changes, it can be introduced to the field of language studies. Therefore, by using the aforementioned theories, in a reconstructed process, a new model called the behavior of the word can be presented.
2. Methodology
Based on its purpose, this research is a fundamental one that seeks to introduce a new model for the analysis of mystical language. The method of this research, considering its approach to the research problem, is descriptive-analytical in which researchers, using the mentioned theories, try to describe a new topic. The method of collecting information is also library type. Accordingly, first in the theoretical part of the research, an introduction is provided in explaining the theories, and then a new form of combining the two theories in the behavioral model of the word is presented. At the end, an example of the application of the new pattern will be shown.
3. Literature Review
This study, which for the first time presents a behavioral model of the word with the aim of analyzing the process of formation of mystical language in the Qur'an and shows an example of its use, does not have much research background; Therefore, considering the main aspects of the research, some of the works that have paid attention to the formation of mystical language, its relationship with the Qur'an and the creation of a model, have been mentioned in the text of the article in the literature review section of the research.
The theoretical foundations of the present study include part of Izutsu's theory in the book of God and Man in the Qur'an, as well as Kurt Lewine's field theory, the main ideas of which are introduced in the text of the article.
4. Results
The results of this study are: 1. This study as a step in analyzing the process of formation of mystical language, focusing on two points, namely the direct impact of the Qur'an on Islamic mysticism and mystical language according to Izutsu's theory and the creative use of Lewine's field theory in psychology, has designed the behavioral model of the word in mystical language; 2. This model, by including the environments that are formed around the word in the mystical text, showed that the behavioral model of the word can be used over time, with the aim of analyzing the semantic changes of words imported from the Qur'an to mystical teaching texts and by analyzing the semantic changes of the words in mystical texts, the evolution of mystical language can be studied. 3. The behavior of the word showed that a Qur'anic word entering the system of Islamic mysticism, when used by a writer in composing a mystical text, has four environments; lexical environment, mystical-linguistic environment, textual environment and other texts environment. The analysis of the interaction of these four environments in mystical teaching texts can draw a timeline which shows how the word entered into mysticism originated from the Qur'an and what new meanings it has received following the influence of the mysticism and Islamic Sufism based on environmental influences.4. The application of this model shows that Qur'anic words have relative meanings by entering the mystical educational texts under the influence of the four environments. The meanings that are different from the Qur'anic meaning of the word and as a result of being in the conceptual system of Islamic mysticism have been loaded on the words and sometimes from the combination of words, new combinations have emerged which, although not used directly in the Qur'an, they have Qur'anic roots. Drawing a pattern based on the word "Tawbah" (repentance) in Al-Ta'aruf showed that the word "Tawbah" entering this educational text, due to the influence of the mentioned environments, carries relative meanings which, although different from the Qur'anic meaning and formed under the influence of Islamic mysticism and Sufism, they are yet under the influence of the great Qur'anic system. Therefore, according to the behavioral model of the word, in the process of formation of mystical language based on mystical educational texts, Quranic words accept new meanings by entering the system of Islamic mysticism, and by moving through a mystical-linguistic path, they create and develop a mystical language.
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مقالات علمی پژوهشی |
Semantics Published: 2022/03/21