Volume 13, Issue 6 (2022)                   LRR 2022, 13(6): 261-287 | Back to browse issues page

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fallah E. An Analysis on the Semantic Sign of Javaheri's Speech Process in Poems Adapted from Quranic Signs Based on the Tension Approach. LRR 2022; 13 (6) :261-287
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-43449-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Sari Branch, Sari, Iran , Ebrahim.fallah@iausari.ac.ir
Abstract:   (2341 Views)
Javaheri, as one of the famous contemporary Arab poets, has spoken using the Quranic signs of novel productions in the world. Analyzing the poems of this poet based on the tension system and the elements of disconnection and disconnection can reveal the context of discovering the way of saying and the act of persuading the audience by this poet. In a system of tension, layers of pressure and scope create a pattern in communication and interaction with each other and form the structure of discourse. The present study, with a descriptive-analytical approach and the application of a stress model, tries to analyze the process of narration in poems adapted from Quranic symbols of the jewel. Based on this, four topics of Quranic concepts used in the poems were selected and while explaining the relationship between the poems and the verses of the narration process based on patterns of tension, connection and disconnection of discourse were examined. The results show that in some jewelry subjects, by using the elements of discourse connection from the said domain to the center of energy density, the movement and the process of producing meaning is directed from the range to the pressure to create an emotional flow for the audience. Some of the topics in this trend are completely reversed.
In this research, the semantic sign analysis of Javaheri's narration process in poems adapted from Quranic signs has been discussed and investigated based on the tension approach. This research aims to analyze the process of using two emotional and cognitive aspects in the direction of narration by Javaheri in poems adapted from Quranic concepts by applying the theory of semiotics in the discourse system (tension scheme).
Accordingly, the most important questions of this research are:
1. Why do Javaheri's poems and his speech create tension in the poems adapted from Quranic concepts and have a fluid aspect in the studied work?
2. What is the role of the two elements of discursive connection and disconnection in semantic expansion and contraction and tension scheme in Javaheri's poems?
This research is based on the hypothesis that Javaheri does not follow a description of the world, the creation of man, the death and the narration of Moses in his poems, but in the lower layers of words, he has produced poetry and speech by recreating Quranic concepts.
This essay, with a descriptive and analytical approach, seeks to analyze the process of narration in the poems adapted from the Quranic symbols in describing the world, human creation, death and the narration of Moses by using the tension model, while explaining the relationship between the poems and the verses of the process to examine discourse based on tension scheme, discourse connection and disconnection.
The novelty of the research is that in relation to the analysis of some Quranic concepts in Javaheri's poems based on the tension system and elements of discursive connection and disconnection in order to discover the reproduction of Quranic concepts, no research has been done yet, and this research tries to do it.
The results obtained after analyzing the sign-semantic process of the verses showed that in the verses adapted from Quranic concepts, Quranic signs together with other signs have formed a process that is directly responsible for the production of meaning.
These signs have caused the formation and production of large semantic collections in Javaheri's verses and have created fluid and dynamic types. In Javaheri's verses, where the Quranic signs are mentioned in re-creating concepts such as: human creation and death, the tension diagram is in a descending state. In this model, the emotional stress has been reduced and the cognitive range has been increased. The reason for this is that Javaheri is trying to convey to the audience that these matters are not merely emotional matters, but small matters and are located in the external world of language; But the same poet in the verses that refer to the story of Prophet Moses and seeks to express the concept of changing the status quo by using emotional pressure and increasing energy, follows an upward trend in the tension pattern in order to arouse the emotions of the audience to change the current condition. Therefore, it can be said that in the tension atmosphere of Javaheri's verses, both ascending and descending patterns have been used.
 Also, in Javaheri's verses, the point was made that some of the cases were formed by overcoming the discursive connection of the disjunctive space and moving from the center of the speaker to the spoken environment to expand the discourse to new spaces, times and actors and moving the tension pattern from pressure to the extension. This state can be seen in verses with the topics of human creation and death. Instead, in topics such as the description of the world, the movement is formed from the speaker to the speaker and approaches the center of energy and increasing emotional pressure and the constriction of discourse.
By creating a tension atmosphere and creating a relationship between cognitive scope and emotional pressure in the verses adapted from Quranic concepts, Javaheri has been able to shape the act of speech for the purpose of persuasion and pursue the re-creation of meaning effectively.

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Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: Arabic language
Published: 2023/01/30

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