Volume 5, Issue 5 (2014)                   LRR 2014, 5(5): 145-181 | Back to browse issues page

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Tahmasebi A, Niazi S, Khomijany Farahani A A, Homayooni S. Teaching AGAP and AGP in Arabic Conversation Based on NFS Model and. LRR 2014; 5 (5) :145-181
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-4542-en.html
1- Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2- Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
3- Professor of English Literature, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
4- Ph.D. student of Arabic Language and Literature at University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (11863 Views)
In recent years, extensive efforts have been done in developing new educational methods for teaching foreign language in order to increase the language learners' proficiency. This study aims to assess the role of the combined approach of the notional functional syllabus approach and the task-based approach for the purpose of "Arabic for the general aims" and "Arabic for the general academic aims". This assessment has been applied by investigating the required capabilities in learning two skills of speaking and listening in Arabic language by using the descriptive-analytical method. The most important result obtained from this study is that for having an effective communication with the speakers of foreign languages, the issue of linguistic knowledge and even full language input are not so much effective. The factors, which play a significant role in mastering the second languages, include: providing a conversational environment similar to the culture and community of its native speakers, making the process of learning functional and applicable, planning for the creative usage of language ability, and lastly, practical and continuous reproducing of language by the learners.
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Published: 2015/01/21

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