Fazeli M, Alizadeh S. The Study of Emotional System in the Discourse of Safar Be Kheir (Have a Safe Journey) Poem by Shafeei Kadkani
in Semeio-semantics Approach. LRR 2015; 6 (1) :205-228
1- Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, University of Alzahra, Tehran, Iran , ma.fazeli@alzahra.ac.ir
2- M.A. student in Persian Language and Literature, University of Alzahra, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (6684 Views)
In this article, the emotional system of discourse in Have a Safe Journey a poem by Shafeei Kadkani, will be investigated from a discourse viewpoint and through a semio-semantics approach. Language formations are seen as an intricate process that includes a lot of semio-meaning factors. Discourse positions are important because they involve us with the discourse approach, development of relationships, and interaction between similar or different powers. Literary discourse is a dynamic flow in which interaction between the recognition and emotional types will produce meanings whose unstability and evolution meaning are due to stressful process of the discourse. This formation follows a kind of semio-semantics examination. The aim of this article is to investigate "Have a safe journey" with respect to the formation and understanding of meaning, relying on discourse separation and connection and its influence on understanding the poem's meaning. On the other hands stressful condition is a place for emergence feelings in the discourse. Therefore, we investigate some approaches like "process of meaning formation", "indexes", "discourse separation and connection", " effects of verbs", "setting landscape" and "inspiration type" to show the depth of emotions in the poem. In this way, known contrastive types change into fluctuating and transitory forms in the process of meaning formation. Use of these semio-meanings will increase emotions in conversation and the access to more impossible times and places, and consequently, cause more influence on the readers. This article is done according to the library-based method and descriptive-analytical approaches. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that the dominance of emotional discourse environment is obvious in Shafeei Kadkani's poem.
Article Type:
Research Paper |
Arts and Humanities (General) Published: 2015/03/21