1- The Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature at “Kosar University of Bojnord” , ebrahimkanani@gmail.com
2- The Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature at “Kosar University of Bojnord”
Abstract: (2607 Views)
Power, through a linguistic model, redefines the underlying meanings that form behind the relations of substitution, companionship, and within a sign. an examination of the mechanisms of different texts shows that divine power, by influencing and influencing linguistic structures, represents different forms of transcendental hegemony. Given that Rumi's Mathnawī is one of the great mystical narratives, the main issue is how the hegemony of divine power articulates the structures of the language of mystical discourse and the manner of expression and function of different types of narrators and becomes a transcendence itself. Therefore, in the present article, after explaining the relationship between the language of discourse and narration with the critical discourse analysis approach, the effect of believing in divine power on the linguistic structure of discourse and the method of narration of different narrators has been investigated. The result of this research indicates that the hegemony of divine power, like the dominant transcendence from outside affects the structure of the language of discourse and the narrator's mind, in which case the author-narrator is inside the larger text of the universe. He has become one and he writes in the language of the transcendental. Divine power also, by means of tricks, regulates the style of the narrators' minds towards the commandments, and in this way, represents the ideology hidden behind the discourse and ruling the writer's mind.
1. Introduction
The power and ideologies in each discourse affect the macrostructures of the narrative and the syntactic structures of the language. Narrative texts represent different forms of power at the level of their language and narration methods. In mystical discourse systems, divine absolute power also creates the world and social, ideological and interpersonal structures. The influence of this belief can also be seen in the mystical language and discourse of the Rumi Mathnawī. Although the Mathnawī is a meeting place of various religious, theological, philosophical and mystical discourses, but the mystical vision of Rumi makes him consider the existence and actions of all beings as subject to divine power in the spiritual Mathnawī. So what is of special importance in the Mathnawī is the visible and hidden presence of God in the narration of Rumi and the mystical language of the Mathnawī. Therefore, relying on the hypothesis that discourse systems affect the linguistic and discourse structures of the text and also that the narrator has an ideological function, the present research tries to answer the following question: How does the hegemony of divine power affect the linguistic structures and mystic discourse of Rumi. Also, how does it affect the narration methods of different types of narrators in Mathnawī. Also, how Rumi was able to bring all the voices to a romantic silence in front of the voice of God.
2. Literature Review
In the descriptions and interpretations of Rumi's works and thoughts, it is mentioned that Rumi's attention to the issue of God's absolute power is mentioned. In the book Dar Sāyeh-ye- āFtāb, Pournamdarian points out the dominance of her right and will over the narrator and considers it close to the experience of revelation (Pournamdariyan, 2009). Bameshki, in the book Revāyat Shenāsi-ye Dāstānhāy-e Mathnawī, while pointing to this issue, considers the narrator (Rumi) under her control in the dominance of mystic states (Bameshki, 2014). Also, recently research articles have been done in this field; As in "Causal Relation in Mystical determinism of Rumi", divine power has been analyzed from the perspective of Rumi's mystical determinism (Foladi and Yousefi, 2006). In "The problem of freewill and determinism in Moulana’s thought", the level of human predestination and free will against God's power has been examined (Ebrahimi Deenani, 2010). Moharrami, in "Difference of Molavi’s Mystical and Theological Viewpoint on Determinism", while examining the difference between popular predestination and romantic predestination, comes to the conclusion that Rumi praised romantic predestination (Moharrami, 2010). Also, in "Criticism of power from Rumi's point of view", his approach to the issue of power and his critical orientation towards it have been examined and analyzed (Mohammedzadeh, 2009). Therefore, so far in the conducted researches, either they have not mentioned the issue of power or a political concept has been considered from it. However, the effect of the hegemony of divine absolute power and its transformation into a meta-narrator in the structuring of the mystical language and the way of narrating the types of narrators in Mathnawī have not been investigated and analyzed and the present study tries to pay attention to this issue.
3. Methodology
The current research is based on library sources and descriptive-analytical method and based on the approach of critical analysis of narrative discourse. This research tries to show the influence of the ideology of God's absolute power in explaining the ideological linguistic mechanisms of power and the general atmosphere of Rumi's narration by examining the narrator element in some Mathnawī stories. The most important innovation of the present article is the analysis of the mechanism of divine power in linguistic structures as well as the narration of narrators in Mathnawī.
4. Discussion
One of the characteristics of Rumi's Mathnawī is the interweaving of God's power in the language of narration and its mystical discourse, so that this power is reflected in the element of narrator and narration. The subject of which narrator or narrators express their story from which perspective, at what distance, with what degree of trustworthiness and with what language, is affected by the worldview, ideology and power of the Meta-narrator. Therefore, in the Mathnawī, the discourse system of divine power organizes the narrator's act of narration. Based on this, in the present study, by using the concept of power in the analysis of critical discourse, the influence of belief in the absolute power of God in Rumi's thought and the organization of the linguistic and discourse structures of the Mathnawī have been analyzed. For this purpose, different forms of the meta- narrator's presence in connection with the types of narrators, as well as focalization methods, perspective and angle of view, the level of narrator's reliability, etc., have been examined in Mathnawī.
5. Conclusion
In the mystical and religious discourse system, there is a superior power in existence. This superior power has been greatly expressed in the language and system of mystical discourse as well as in Rumi's style of narration. Examining the linguistic and discursive mechanisms of narrators' narration techniques in the Mathnawī shows different forms of trans-narrator hegemony. In the first appearance of the meta-narrator's presence, the narrator considers himself under the influence of a secondary author who is the main narrator and Rumi and other narrators and even the types of narration are all under his power. In the Mathnawī, from the perspective of the omniscient narrator, the narrator-author and the narrator-character are also completely surrendered to the meta-narrator and see themselves as worthless particles who wish to be connected to the sea of truth. Also, the interpretations that the author-narrator provides during some of the stories about meta-narrator are in line with emphasizing her unique power. Moreover, the centralization of the author-narrator about the ideology of the power of the meta-narrator is always constant, but the centralization of the narrator-characters is variable and multiple.
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مقالات علمی پژوهشی |
Discourse Analysis Published: 2023/05/31