Volume 13, Issue 6 (2023)                   LRR 2023, 13(6): 65-97 | Back to browse issues page

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najafi A, balavi R, jaberi ardakani S N. Analysing of the Process of the Discourse System of tensive-thymique schemas in the poetry of Adunis and Shamloo : A semiotic Study(The Case study of "the Lament of Hallaj" and "Death of Nasiri" Poems). LRR 2023; 13 (6) :65-97
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-52725-en.html
1- PhD Candidate in Arabic Language and Literature , Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran
2- Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran , r.ballawy@pgu.ac.ir
3- Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran
Abstract:   (2117 Views)
Semiotics is a current approach to study the mechanism of meaning formation and production.The nature of the tensive process that exists at the heart of any discourse is that it transforms meaning into an indefinite and complete entity, Since the discourse governing the two poems "The Lament of Hallaj" by Adunis and "The Death of Nasiri" by Ahmad Shamloo is based on extent and pressure relationship,and these two poems have various becomings and actions and are value-oriented, this article tries to use analytical-descriptive method to study the tensive-emotional system in these two poems through a comparative method. It makes the mechanisms of formation, production, continuity of emotional meaning and its interaction with other meanings clear and tries to explain the partnership of signs-meanings in the production of meaning. Findings of the study indicate that the elements involved in the mechanisms of production of emotional discourse, finally act to establish the desired meaning of the two debators, and debators use tools such as "discourse position", "conjunction and disconnection of discourse", "effect of verbs", "far-sightedness" and "rhythm and melody" in this direction. And also among tensional schema forms, the forms of emotional pressure peak and decrease of cognitive rang is applicable to the first section of Adunis's poetry, and the simultaneous decrease of pressures and extensions is applicable to the second section. As throughout Shamloo's poem, the tensional schema of simultaneous drop in pressures and expanses can be shown.

1. Introduction
  In the sign-semantics approach, each sign interacts with another sign and moves in the direction of meaning production. Semantic-semiotics has become a phenomenological and intelligent tool during the transition from pure constructivist semiotics. In Saussure's semiotics, the sign is examined outside the context of the discourse, but in sign-semantics, the elements of the semantic sign are not frozen and inflexible elements, but become flexible due to following the conditions.
Since the discourse governing the two poems "Elegy of Al-Hallaj" by Adonis and the poem "Death of Naseri" by Ahmad Shamloo is based on extensive and pressing communication and two important cognitive and emotional aspects in the flow of literary discourse have caused the production of meaning, this possibility There is a possibility that these poems should be analyzed according to the pattern of tension semiotics in order to identify the value goal of the discourse in them. The tense atmosphere in the discourse is the place where emotions arise. Therefore, it is necessary to examine approaches such as "discursive position", "discursive connection and disconnection", "effect of verbs" and "perspective creation" in order to reach the depth of the poem's emotion. Since the discourse of these two poems is based on the sensory-perceptual and aesthetic function, and in a discourse process, it enjoys the characteristics of tension and tension, the purpose of this research is to open multiple angles of meaning by relying on emotional and tension discourse systems. To acquaint the audience with the source of the formation of these discourse systems and examine how the message is induced in the poetry of these two poets.
In the upcoming research, an attempt is made to examine and analyze the flexible and fluid structure of both poems in question, in the interactive space formed in the speech space, by a descriptive-analytical method . The authors have tried to answer the following questions:
- Which semiotic feature and which tensive-thymique scheme do both poems reflect?
- What effect has the tensive scheme in these two poems had on the emotion of the poem?
- In the discussed poems, what is the function of the tensive-thymique scheme in producing meaning and creating value?

2. Methodology
In the upcoming research, an attempt is made to examine and analyze the flexible and fluid structure of  the two poems in question, in the interactive space formed in the speech space, by a descriptive-analytical method through library study.

3. Results
The elements involved in the mechanisms of the production of emotional discourse, in the end  has worked to stabilize the intended meaning of the two speakers.To this end,the poets have taken the advantage of "discourse position", "discourse connection and disconnection", "effect of verbs", " perspectives" and "rhythm. The discursive conjunction and disconnection in these poems have made the character of Hallaj and Naseri universal by giving them a historical dimension. In addition, discursive separation has created new places and times in discourse and has made the scope of poetry wider and wider. What arouses the emotion of the audience is the intensity of the two verbs "not wanting and not being able" in Hallaj and Masih and saying no to life and the reverse intensity of these two verbs in the passive people of the time who have taken a path other than the path of these two enlightening reformers.
Among the types of tensive schemas, the type of increasing emotional pressure and decreasing cognitive range can be applied to the first stanza of Adunis's poem and the simultaneous decrease of pressures and ranges to its second stanza. As throughout Shamloo's poem, it is possible to show the tensive pattern of the simultaneous reduction of pressures and ranges. In the tensive zone, where the emotional aspect of the poem, like the cognitive aspect, has lost its efficiency and power, and the scopes and pressures have decreased simultaneously, since such a process is considered a purposeful discourse strategy in abstract arts. This, in turn, has caused the longing and sadness, stillness and stagnation caused by the absence of these two instigators, who are the generalized heroes of the two narrators, to reflect well and affect the narrator in the best and strongest way.
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Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: Semantics
Published: 2023/01/30

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