Volume 14, Issue 2 (2023)                   LRR 2023, 14(2): 493-523 | Back to browse issues page

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Nazemian R, shadman Y. Pathology of morphological and syntactic structures of press language in comparison with standard Arabic language. LRR 2023; 14 (2) :493-523
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-54873-en.html
1- Professor, Department of Arabic Language & literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran
2- Assistant professor, Department of Arabic Language & Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Ilam University, Ilam, Iran , y.shadman@alzahra.ac.ir
Abstract:   (2358 Views)
Today, the structure of the Arabic press language has suffered from damages that need to be addressed. These problems are mainly due to insufficient attention to grammar rules. There are also some pronunciation and expression problems that cause non-standard language patterns to penetrate the press language. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize these patterns and replace them with standard language patterns. Since Arabic has different types of languages ​​and dialects, it is the standard language that can maintain coherence and unity between them. Promoting and reinforcing standard language patterns is the main job of writers, editors, journalists, and anyone who uses language professionally. Obviously, what is said by these people is usually considered as a standard language and spreads to other educational centers and the media. Currently, the language of the Arabic press suffers from the shortcomings and damages that have affected the body of the language. The media should try to enrich the Arabic language capacities and take advantage of all its possibilities and provide the grounds for the growth and development of the press language, along with extensive social, cultural and political developments, a flood of foreign aggressive words, the increasing speed of innovations and the arrival of new achievements.

1. Introduction
Language is the most important tool to transfer human experience and knowledge. Each society has to have a standard language so that it can be used as the most important communicative factor among people. When non-standard language patterns are propagated, they are accepted as standard patterns across time. As a result, language becomes imperfect and defective from various aspects. The effect of thinking methods and political and social attitudes on language structure is the issue that cannot be ignored. In Arab countries, newspapers which have Islamic attitudes have a special language compared with those that have ethnocentrism attitudes and the newspapers that have just commercial feature. In the text of these newspapers, Quranic words and expressions related to the scope of philosophy, logic and Islamic language are mostly used and a kind of preaching tone can be observed.
The term pathology may not be correct about other languages which traverse natural path of language but it is true about Arabic which is a rhetorical language and has been shaped since 1400 years ago and remained since then.
The main hypothesis of this study is that the most important role of media like press is educational role. Given the pervasive role of media, what is learnt via official references is not at all comparable with degree of effectiveness from the media. But today it is observed that most newspapers work based on trial and error. Permanent engagement in translation, edition or generating public scientific texts without continuous training quickly reduces the awareness of newspapers authors to the level of public scientific topics.

2. Literature Review
In this scope, any resource which criticized and pathologized the standard and press language accurately has not already been published but some resources in which the press language has been referred to some extent are as below: 1) language in the press written by Abdul Rahman Faramarzi: in this book, the process of journalism and press has been explored. 2) Moderm journalism written by Na'im Badiee and Hossein Ghandi: in this book the authors have attempted to make the readers familiar with principles of modern journalism. 3) MA thesis entitled language in the press written by Zhila Ebrahimi: in this thesis, it has been tried to explore the journalistic text which is one of the evidences of standard language from the linguistics viewpoint. 4) The paper entitled the issue of language in mass communication tools, a conversation with Dr. Sahabi: the author in this paper emphasizes that the mass communication tools are the main element of today culture.  5) Mostalahat-e Motadavel fi Al-Sahafi Al-Arabiah written by Mohammad Reza Azizpour: the author has inserted the common expressions of Arabic newspapers along with the selected samples of news. 6) Laghv Al-Elamio written by Sami Sharif and Imen Mansour: this book is composed of eight chapters. In Chapter One, the authors talk about the press language. Then, they propose issues about writing, language of radio and newspaper language.

3. Methodology
This study was conducted via descriptive-analytical and comparative approach. In order to recognize the characteristics of press language and show structural differences of journalistic texts in newspapers and journals, some excerpts of various newspapers in Jordan have been extracted and explored during the years 2000-2020. Mostly they belong to the editorial or leading article of the newspaper that is written by the editor. The index for choosing the press samples was principles of Arabic grammar.

6. Conclusion
The results of the study can be summarized below.
A kind of sincerity has been created between the author and the reader so that the author speaks the reader's mind. Hence, the press language has propelled toward simplicity and sincerity and it is far from formalities.
In recent years, the press authors are anonymous people who are shaped in the heart of the press and have press identity. They owe their popularity to the press.
One of the characteristics of the press in recent years is that they are free of figures of speech and imagery and transfer the subject in the shortest time and the most convenient form.
Today, degree of importance and ups and downs of the subject determine the form and shape of lines of a journalistic text. In recent years, journalistic texts have become personalized and proceeded toward specificity.
Slang and Arabicized words are nowadays used in journalistic texts. Moreover, the press language has gradually inclined toward colloquial language, because the authors believe that the journalistic text must be alive and dynamic and improvised.
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Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: Arabic language
Published: 2023/05/31

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