Volume 15, Issue 6 (2025)                   LRR 2025, 15(6): 437-463 | Back to browse issues page

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Joukar M, Sohrabi N. Analysis of the aesthetic dimension of discourse in Nima's poem “Naqous” Based on the semiotics perspective. LRR 2025; 15 (6) :437-463
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-59624-en.html
1- Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran , m.joukar@scu.ac.ir
2- PhD student of Persian language and literature, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran
Abstract:   (3013 Views)
In this study, the aesthetic system of discourse in Nima Yoshij's poem "Naquos" has been studied. According to the semiotics view, the aesthetic system of discourse is a subordinated intuitive-perceptual and occurring process that is formed due to the presence of the enunciator state in the discourse. The poem "Naquos" is one of the symbolic poems of Nima that the two central signs of "Naquos resonance" and "daybreak and light" in interaction with each other and also in opposition to the symbol of "night" have influenced the semantic action and have led to the formation of an aesthetic order in it. The question here is how is this discourse system formed in the structure of this poem and what are its mechanisms. In this study, first, the discourse action and the categorization in the discourse of this poem have been specified. Then, the main constituents of the formation of the aesthetic process, including semiotics-semantics conditions and state, linguistic indexes, discontinuity and time are studied. The results show that the discourse of this poem has state and occurring features and the narrator has been able to create a discourse with aesthetic features with symbolic methods by selective (Naquos) and serial (light and daybreak) categorizations and by breaking the continuum of language through rhetorical devices and effective verbs, and the use of narrative time in a massive and ultimate form, and passing through solid and fixed signs to flowing signs.

1. Introduction
From the semiotics point of view, discourse systems are divided into three general categories: program-oriented, emotional, and event-oriented. Among the different discourse systems, the aesthetic system is a system based on emotional-perceptual, event, spiritual, and tense characteristics. This aspect of literary discourse is formed as a result of the presence and interaction of sensory-perceptual, phenomenal and intuitive aesthetic curiosity with the world. The poem "Naquos" by Nima Yoshij is one of the poems whose theme is full of hope for change and improvement of the situation. Three prominent and influential factors, namely "Naquos ringing", "morning and light", and "night" play a role in the discourse of this poem in its meaning making process. These three also have symbolic aspects. In symbolism, the fields of meaning are very wide, and this causes the text to accept multiple and fluid meanings. Examining these factors shows that the production of meaning in this poem follows an eventful process and the sensory-perceptual factor is effective in it. Based on this, the aim of the present research is to investigate and analyze the formation process of the aesthetic discourse system of Nima Yoshij's "Naquos" poem by descriptive and analytical method and relying on the semiotics theory of literary discourse. In this research, in order to obtain a more accurate analysis, first the discourse action in this poem was examined and its most important categorizations were identified. Then, the main elements and components that are effective in the production and formation of the aesthetic process, including the sensory-perceptual and emotional conditions, linguistic profiles, discursive discontinuity and aesthetic time in the discourse of poetry, have been investigated. The issue that is raised is what factors and with what semiotics characteristics and functions are involved in the production of the aesthetic system of Nima's "Naquos" poem.

Research Question(s)
1) How does the discourse action of this poem determine the grounds for the formation of the aesthetic flow? 
2) What elements and based on what mechanisms create the aesthetic process and how can they be explained?

2. Literature Review
2. 1. Researches related to the aesthetic dimension of discourse
Books and articles have been written in the field of the aesthetic dimension of discourse. Investigating the aesthetic dimension of the discourse is related to the post-constructionist studies of semiotics. Grams (1987) in the book "De l’imperfection, c" passes classical and action-oriented semiotics and turns to aesthetic or sensory-perceptual semiotics. Shairi (2015) in his book on the semantics analysis of discourse, has extensively studied and analyzed various dimensions of discourse, including the aesthetic dimension. Shairi (2009) in his article "Study of the aesthetic process from the point of view of the semiotics of the discourse", has studied and analyzed this aspect of the discourse.
 In addition to theoretical studies, articles have also investigated this aspect of discourse in different literary texts in a practical way, including: Ayati (2012) in the article "Examining the Semantics of Discourse in Nima Yoshij's Poem "Pay Daro Choopan", sensory dimensions- perceptual, emotional and aesthetic as well as how to produce the fluid flow of meaning and the main elements involved in it. Rajabi et al. (2019) in the article "The Applied Rhetoric of Signs in the Aesthetic Process of the novel Kowli kenare atash with the Semantics Approach of Discourse", the semantic systems of discourse, aesthetic and effective elements in the relationship between the symbolic system and the semantic system that is influenced by the rhetoric of signs have checked. Kanani (2016) in the article "The aesthetic system of discourse in the interaction of sound and light based on the story of Halimah asking for help from Bothan", has analyzed the aesthetic dimension of discourse in this story from Masnavi and has shown that the interaction of two The perceptual-sensory factor of "sound" and "light" plays a role in the background of this story and is the basis for the formation of meaning in it.

2. 2. Researches related to Nima's " Naquos" poem
No separate article has been written about the poem "Naqous" by Nima Yoshij; But Hamidian (1381) in the book The story of metamorphosis: the process of transformations in Nima Yoshj's poetry has analyzed and examined this poem under the title "The scope of the message" and explained the various aspects of symbolism, rhetorical features, themes and images used in it. Also, Pournamdarian (1377) in his book Khanam Abri: Nima's poem from tradition to modernity, under the topic of hope and optimism, briefly explained the twelve stanzas of the poem "Naqous", and he has highlighted the issue of hope and improving the political and social situation in this poem by referring to common symbols in Nima's social poems. The present research examines and analyzes the effective factors in the production of the aesthetic flow of discourse in this poem with the semantics approach of literary discourse.

3. Methodology
The method of this research is descriptive-analytical and based on the semiotics study method. The semiotics point of view is a discourse and process point of view, and it examines the types of discourse systems, the presence of discourse factors, and the process of meaning generation. 

4. Results
In this article, the aesthetic process of the discourse in Nima Yoshij's poem "Naqous" was investigated and analyzed based on the semantics approach. First, as a prelude to the discussion of discourse aesthetics, the discussion of discourse action was briefly examined with an emphasis on categorization in language in the context of poetry discourse. Therefore, the narrator calls three important signs of the poem, which play an effective role in the meaning-making process, from the pre-discourse world, and creates different and original meanings in the discourse in a sensory-perceptual relationship and in a semantic system. Categorization of Naqous ringing is of selective type and categorization of morning and light is of serial type. In this discourse, in addition to the sensory-perceptual presence of the speaker and his encounter with the world, the ringing of the Naqous in the role of an actor and agitator places the discourse in an eventful process. Because the ringing of the Naqous walks in every ups and downs and between the sleeping and the dead and affects them and brings the tired hearts together and breathes life into the people's organization with the strength of its sound.
Examining the sensory-perceptual and emotional process of poetry discourse showed that this discourse does not follow a logical, program-oriented, and action-oriented system, but has an emotional-oriented system, in which semantic sensitivity and the type of presence of Naqous ringing and the aesthetics of absence are effective in the poetry discourse. As a result of the discursive act of becoming the axis, the material, objective, and realistic aspects of linguistic categories are negated, which causes the emergence of differences and the production of new meanings in the discourse of the "Naqous" poem. In this sensory-perceptual process, the three factors of linguistic profiles, discursive interruption and time are effective in creating the aesthetic process of poetry. Linguistic profiles or manifestations of meaning in the poem "Naqous" are formed as a result of fragility and doubt in belief and creation of new values in discourse. The ongoing and waiting presence of the narrator gradually turns into an actual and comprehensive presence with the certainty of the news of the smiling morning Naqous. Also, discursive interruption due to factors such as rhetorical devices (simile, contrast, etc.) and effective verbs are involved in the production of the aesthetic system of discourse. Another factor of discursive discontinuity is time, whose two macro and final aspects with the ability to be transferred in the poem "Naqous" with the compression and enveloping characteristic of the reverberation of the Naqous and its interaction and connection with morning and light cause the formation of an aesthetic process in the discourse of this poem.

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Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: Semiotics
Published: 2025/01/29

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