Volume 13, Issue 5 (2022)                   LRR 2022, 13(5): 541-564 | Back to browse issues page

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Zakian M. Using Mobile Applications for Teaching English Vocabulary to Young Language Learners (YLLs): Investigating the Short- and Long-term Impacts. LRR 2022; 13 (5) :541-564
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-60199-en.html
Department of General Courses, University of Science and Technology of Mazandaran. P.O. box 48518,78195 , m.zakian@mazust.ac.ir
Abstract:   (2688 Views)
Technology has become a quintessential component of educational practice over the past years. Research in this area has shown that the integration of various technologies positively contributed to language education and facilitated learning different language skills. Despite the extensive application of computer assisted language learning for adults, little research has examined Young Language Learners’ (YLL) language development through technology. In this regard, the current study investigated the impact of using a mobile technology on YLLs’ (age range: 6 to 8) vocabulary development. Seventy-one learners participated in the study who were divided into a control (N = 32) and an experimental (N = 39) groups. Data were collected using a vocabulary test in three rounds of pre-test, post-test, and delayed post-test. The collected data in terms of vocabulary test scores were analyzed using mixed between-within subjects analysis of variance. The results revealed that the experimental group who used mobile devices for vocabulary learning outperformed the control group in the posttest and gained significant improvements in the delayed posttest. The study provides implications for various educational stakeholders including teachers, learners, and material developers to exploit the affordances of technology in effectively contributing to YLLs’ vocabulary development.

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Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: English language
Published: 2022/12/1

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