Volume 7, Issue 1 (2016)                   LRR 2016, 7(1): 129-149 | Back to browse issues page

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Mahmoodi Bakhtiari B, Salimiyan S. Linguistic impoliteness patterns in Sayyadan. LRR 2016; 7 (1) :129-149
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-6170-en.html
1- Associate professor of Department of Dramatic Arts, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
2- M.A. student of linguistics at Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (10175 Views)
Politeness phenomenon is one of the subjects which have been observed by researchers of different domains , e.g. psychology, sociology and anthropology. Politeness has also been investigated in the area of pragmatics. One of the concepts following politeness is linguistic impoliteness. Different people such as Goffman (1967), Brown and Levinson (1987), Bousfield (2008), Culpeper (1996;2003;2011) and  Rudanko (1996) have worked on (im)politeness phenomenon. . In spite of the large amount of investigation on western culture, less research has been worked out on this notion in Persian. So, the aim of this study is investigating the function of this notion through describing it in  Sayyadan drama of  Ruye Sahneye Abi series written by Akbar Radi. The data was investigated through the five strategies proposed  by Jonathan Culpeper (1996; 2003) on linguistic impoliteness and the notions, e.g context, social norms and emotions, he added later in 2011. The most frequently  used strategy was positive impoliteness and the least used one was mock impoliteness. The synthetic ones were at the second level and negative impoliteness was at the fourth level. There was no withhold politeness among the‌ data. Finally, new cases were introduced.                                                                                                                     
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Article Type: Research Paper | Subject: Discourse Analysis
Published: 2016/03/20

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