1- Assistant Professor of Linguistics, Department of foreign languages, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
2- M.A. student of Linguistics, Department of foreign languages, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (7316 Views)
This article has studied the function of analysis levels in critical approach to discourse analysis according to Furlough's view inA Separation, by studying power, Culture and cultural believes inferring to the role and place of mythical texts such as holy book in discoursal solution. This article specifically studied the role of lying in disrupting relationships and conative norms and showed that sequential lies create an unsafe space that because of its intense consequences changes into a critical space. In the bed of the movie, subjects try to solve the existing crisis, using cultural believes, antagonism and persuasion. In such atmosphere that subject's discoursal conflicts are loaded with the lack of power balance, the only scape from the crisis is returning to meta-myth, a meta-belief that cause the asthmatic atmosphere to be adjusted and peaceful. It clarifies the relationship between culture and myth with discourse resolution. The research method in this article is analytic and analysis units are sequences and in fact sentences or dialogues have been used in A Separation.
Article Type:
Research Paper |
Discourse Analysis Published: 2016/09/22