1- Assistant professor, Department of French Language & Literature, Azad Islamic University, Arak Branch, Arak, Iran
Abstract: (9770 Views)
Death, existence and creation’s mystery are among of the most important subjects in literature and philosophy. Paul Valery and Khayyam, in spite of difference in their historical periods, have the same idea about death and existence.
In his poem, Valery describes a marine vista, which is the symbol of boundless soul. However, in this sight, by passage of the time, the soul is worn-out and destroyed.
Khayyam in his Rubaiyat considers fruitless thinking about the existence and the creation’s mystery.
In this article, we try to survey the concept of death and existence in Paul Valery’s “The Graveyard by the Sea” and Khayyam’s Rubaiyat, Finally, these questions would be replied: “Why Paul Valery and Khayyam feared from death?” “Whether this fear arouses from their pessimistic and narrow minded view or it has existentialism fundamental?” and “How does the poetical imagination change to be a scene for speaking of the depth of poet’s philosophical vision about death?”
Published: 2011/12/25