Assistant Professor, Department of Foreign Languages, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran
Abstract: (8241 Views)
In order to study the acoustic features of stress in Tati language, one minimal pair has been selected where in one the stress was on the last syllable and in another on the first syllable. These minimal pairs were embedded in declarative and interrogative carrier sentences. Eight educated native speakers were participated in this experiment reading these in a silent room. Using PRAAT, a textgrid has been made for each in which the vowel boundaries determined, then by a script we measured duration, F1, F2, Fundamental frequency and intensity. The results show that the difference of duration, F0 and intensity between stressed and unstressed vowels is significant while the F1 and F2 are not important cues. So the most important cues distinguishing the place of stress in Tati are F0, Duration and intensity. A final observation concerns the utterance-final syllable interrogative contours Which is H% while declarative utterances end in L%.
Article Type:
Research Paper |
Linguistics Published: 2015/12/22