1- Ph.D candidate in Allameh Tabataba'i University
2- , Professor, Department of Linguistics, Allameh Tabataba’i University , sahraeereza@gmail.com
3- Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics, Allameh Tabataba’i University
Abstract: (2751 Views)
Tense plays an important and determining role in human verbal communication; therefore, one of the things that should be addressed in language teaching is the discussion of time and ways to recognize it. Considering the role and importance of grammatical tense recognition in language learning and the lack of related research regarding Persian language learning, the purpose of the present research is to investigate the role of available cues in sentences to recognize grammatical tense by Chinese Persian learners of beginner and advanced levels; For this purpose, 49 Persian learners of Chinese language were selected by available sampling method and divided into two groups of Chinese language beginner (26) and advanced (23) based on the level determination test. The instruments used in this research were two tests in two stages; In the first stage, by using the sentence recognition test, the subjects marked the time of the sentences they heard in the answer sheet, and in the second stage, the same test was performed; with the difference that in this test, the sentences did not have time adverbs. The results of this research showed that the subjects of the beginner Chinese language meaningfully used lexical clues when recognizing the time of the sentence, and the subjects of the advanced level simultaneously used two lexical clues and present tense. Regarding the role of gender, the results showed that there is no significant relationship between gender and the ability to understand sentence time. The results of this research can be useful for language learners, teachers, and producers of educational content and also for test designers.