Volume 15, Issue 2 (2024)                   LRR 2024, 15(2): 395-433 | Back to browse issues page

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Moharramzadeh B, Shobeiry L, Yousefi Behzadi M. The Effectiveness of Intercultural Didactics of Contemporary French and Persian Poetry on the Use of Social-Affective Strategies and Interest in Literary Content. LRR 2024; 15 (2) :395-433
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-68315-en.html
1- PhD Student, Department of French Language, Faculty of Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2- Assistant Professor, Department of French Language, Faculty of Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran , l.shobeiri@gmail.com
3- Associate Professor, Department of French Language, Faculty of Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (2483 Views)
The confrontation of  “Insider”  and “Other “ cultures in educational documents, especially literary courses related to the French language in Iranian universities, is natural, and there is a need for an intercultural approach that can place students in an intercultural space, adjusted and away from cultural shock. Considering that social-affective strategies, relying on individual differences, try to help language learners in the learning process and to facilitate the language teaching process, the aim of this research is to provide a practical method in order to further link literature and education. French language is through activating sensory-emotional capacities and applying social-affective strategies to students and making them interested in literary content (poetry).
Also, the statistical population of the research includes 110 French language students in the last semester of the bachelor's degree, in the two majors of literature and translation in different Iranian universities, who were randomly selected. Therefore, by designing a researcher-made questionnaire and using 20, 5-choice questions, we measured the students' use of social-affective strategies and their interest in poetry in the form of a pre-test. Then, during a virtual and interactive training course (for 50 hours), we did intercultural training. Then, the learners were given a post-test. Based on the results of the T test, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference between the average students in the pre-test and the post-test in terms of the use of social-affective strategies and interest in literary content (poetry).

1. Introduction
The main issue of the current research is to answer the question of how to effectively and consciously use social-affectives strategies that can be effective in improving the language skills of French language students through intercultural didactics of contemporary French and Persian poetry and made them more interested in literary content (poetry)?   Considering that our hypothesis is that the intercultural didactics of contemporary French and Persian poetry can have a significant effect on strengthening social-affectives strategies among French language students and on their interest in literary content (poetry). Therefore, our goal, with an effort to achieve the purpose of the research, is to present a practical method to further link literature and French language education by activating the sensory-emotional capacities and social-affectives strategies of students in dealing with the genre of poetry.
Research Question(s)
The mains research questions of this study can be formulated as follows:
1. How are the intercultural didactics and social-affectives strategies defined?
2. Why and with what components, French and Persian poetry (in this study: the case of French poet Jacques Parhevor and Iranian poet Mehdi Akhwan Sales) can be used as a suitable corpus for teaching in universities.
3. How and through what educational approach can strengthen students' social-affectives strategies and their interest in literary content (poetry)?

2. Literature Review
An article by Rose Oma and Isodore Mutba Kazadi has been published in Kenya. The main title of this article is "Social-affectives strategies in the French language class" (2020). This research examines the strategies used by French language teachers in Kenya. The main conclusion of this research shows the positive effect of using social-affectives strategies in motivating students to learn French.

3. Methodology
 In this research, our statistical population consisted of 110 students of the final year of the French language course at the undergraduate level, in two majors: literature (60 people) and translation (50 people), from Iranian universities, who were randomly selected. They participated in a virtual course and in five classes of 22 people online and on the platform of Big Blue Button. All the students, previously, in different university semesters, had taken courses related to prose, translation and literature in a classical way (only French texts with the teaching of history of literature, vocabulary and grammar). The intercultural didactics conducted in this research was held in a training course consisting of eight 75-minute sessions and in five classes of 22 people (forty sessions in total). To investigate the effectiveness of intercultural didactictics as an independent research variable on strengthening the use of social-affectives strategies and the level of interest in literary content (poetry) as two dependent variables of the research, a researcher-made questionnaire, the text of which will follow, in two stages of pre-test and post-test. It was given to the students and they were asked to answer the questions. The questionnaire has twenty questions and is divided into three parts: emotional, social (questions related to social-affective strategies are divided into two independent parts) and analysis of interest in literary content (poetry). The title of these three sections was not mentioned in the questionnaire provided to the students. Thirteen initial questions that are divided into two parts and cover social-affective strategies, inspired by sections E and F of the Oxford questionnaire (Cyr, P. 1998, p. 96) and the next seven questions that analyze the level of interest in the content which measures the literary (poetry) is quite ingeniously designed. Each question has five options and students had to choose one option. Options are rated. The option never: score one, the option rarely: score two, the option sometimes: score three, the option usually: score four and the option always: score five. In the appendices section, students' choices can be seen.

4. Results
The importance of learning social-affectives strategies in teaching foreign languages ​​led us to the conclusion that creating a suitable emotional atmosphere and away from the stresses and assumptions related to teaching poetry can be considered important and effective in language learners' learning. The use of the intercultural approach followed by the teaching method that we presented strengthened the interaction-work-oriented approach in the class and the degree of application of the three affectives strategies in this research: stress management and its reduction, self-motivation method and paying attention to one's feelings. And it also increased the three investigated socials strategies: cooperation with others, empathy with others, and the learner's question to the teacher, and was able to increase the level of interest in literary content (poetry).
The components of the questionnaire have been measured in two times, pre-test and post-test. The average progress of students in these three sections (emotional strategies, social strategies and analysis of the level of interest in literary content (poetry)) was also compared through the Paired-Samples t-test and we noticed that it has a normal distribution of Cronbach's alpha coefficients which also showed that the questionnaire and its dimensions have appropriate reliability coefficients in two implementations and standardization. Considering that all the t values ​​listed in Tables 4, 6, 8 and 10 showed the significance of the average progress of French language students in social-affective strategies and interest in literary content (poetry), the null hypothesis that the intercultural education of poetry Contemporary French and Persian did not have a significant effect on strengthening emotional-social strategies among French language students and their interest in studying literary content (poetry) and rejected the main hypothesis that the cross-cultural teaching of contemporary French and Persian poetry has a significant effect on strengthening emotional strategies. It proved that it has a social relationship with French language students and their interest in studying literary content (poetry).
Therefore, and by achieving the goal of the research, which is to present a practical method in order to further link literature and French language education, by activating the sensory-emotional capacities and emotional-social strategies of students in dealing with the genre of poetry, by analyzing the data statistically, as well as the comparison of the pre-test and post-test results, we came to the conclusion that our method has been able to have a significant and positive change in strengthening students' use of social-affective strategies and interest in literary content (poetry) through the intercultural education of French and Persian poetry. Finally, the integration of literature and French language education in order to strengthen cognitive, metacognitive and communication strategies can be a suggestion for other research in the near future.
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Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: language teaching
Published: 2024/12/30

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