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XML Persian Abstract Print

1- Urmia University
2- Associate Professor, Urmia University ,
Abstract:   (1003 Views)
Despite the growing attention given to language teacher immunity in the recent years, scant research has focused on how supervisory classroom observation affects teacher immunity through the framework of complexity theory. To address this gap, the current study intended to shed more light on the process of supervisory classroom observation and how it contributes to second language teacher immunity, either productively or maladaptively. To this end, 10 English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers were recruited and the data were collected through narrative frames and semi-structured interviews. The findings indicated that the observer’s presence and the entire observation process instigated excessive stress among the teachers and affected the teachers’ self-efficacy, creativity, and motivation; while the post-observation conferences between the teachers and the observers had a positive influence on the immunity development of the teachers. Implications for the stakeholders including the policy makers, institute managers and the observers are provided in the conclusion section of the study.
Article Type: Research article | Subject: language teaching

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