Volume 12, Issue 1 (2021)                   LRR 2021, 12(1): 399-425 | Back to browse issues page

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Mohammadi M R, Aliyari Shorehdeli M, Saadati A. Comparison of Adjectives Order in Russian and Persian Languages. LRR 2021; 12 (1) :399-425
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-42078-en.html
1- Associate professor of Russian language, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran , mrmoham@modares.ac.ir
2- Associate professor of Russian language ,Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
3- M.A in Russian language, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (3294 Views)
Correct place and order of adjectives is one of the important factors affecting the correct translation of a word or a phrase. Not paying attention to the adjective order can completely change the meaning of a sentence or a phrase. In this study, based on 320 examples collected from Russian-Persian dictionaries and the Russian National Corpus, The authors attempt to consider and compare the order of adjectives in Russian and Persian languages. In the present study, we are trying to answer the following  questions : how is it possible to explain and describe the rule for adjective order in Russian language and is there a certain and constant model for their translation from Russian to Persian. The results of this study can be efficient for the improvement of the translation process as well as the training of translation from Russian to Persian and vice versa. The analysis of the collected examples indicates that only in half of the cases the order of adjectives in Russian and Persian languages is fully compatible, and in the other cases their translation from Russian to Persian does not follow a constant model.
Paying attention to the rules of word order is one of the important issues when learning Russian language. Having a rich vocabulary by itself cannot be effective in correctly expressing of sentences. In many cases, when you change the place of words in a sentence, the meaning is changed completely as well.
 The position of various adjectives in relation to each other and in relation to the modified word in a sentence or phrase, as well as the preservation and transfer of this order when translating into Persian, is one of the main problems of non-native students and translators.
In this study, based on 320 examples collected from Russian-Persian dictionaries Voskanyan, G. A., Ovchinnikova, I. K. Mirzabeigyan Zh. M. and the Russian National Corpus, the authors attempt to consider and compare the order of adjectives with focus on the modified word in Russian language and the way of their translation and transfer to Persian language. So far, no study has examined the order of adjectives in Russian and Persian language in a comparative manner.
The aim of the present study is to provide a specific rule for the order of adjectives in Russian, as well as to study and compare the degree of correspondence or inconsistency of this order when translating into Persian.
The analysis of the collected materials shows that in the Russian language adjectives come before a noun, pronominal adjectives are used before qualitative and relative adjectives and qualitative adjective comes before relative adjective. In cases where a phrase consists of two relative adjectives or two qualitative adjectives, the closest adjective to the noun expresses the attribute of the noun more than the others.  Also, the analysis of the collected translation examples indicates that only in half of the cases the order of adjectives in Russian and Persian languages is fully compatible, and in the other cases their translation from Russian to Persian does not follow a constant model. The results of this research can be effective in improving the process of translation and teaching it from Russian to Persian and vice versa.
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Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: Russian
Published: 2021/03/21

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