Volume 8, Issue 3 (2017)                   LRR 2017, 8(3): 23-42 | Back to browse issues page

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Bahrami K. The Analysis of Noun Phrase Accessibility Hierarchy in German and Farsi. LRR 2017; 8 (3) :23-42
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-1839-en.html
Assistant Professor of German Language and Literature, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract:   (9495 Views)
This article examines the syntactic function used to produce relative clauses. The article considers Keenan and Comrie (1977) as its point of departure, and provides examples from both German and Persian language to confirm the existence of a hierarchy in these languages. Moreover, by comparing examples of relative clauses in both languages, the article seeks to answer the following question: what are some of the available form of relative clauses in German and Persian language? And what are some of the differences?
In this research, by using a descriptive-analytic method, we show that the structure of relative clause from any position is not possible in relative clause. We also discuss that what strategies will benefit different languages to overcome obstacles?
 Additionally, the article will engage with a possible connection between relativisation strategy and noun phrase accessibility hierarchy. This study confirms that regardless of apparent differences between German and Persian, both languages have allowed for the formation of relative clauses as far as additional objects are concerned. The Persian language, the paper reveals, has gone one step beyond the German language in allowing for the formation of objects of comparison and coordination structure.
In addition, we showed that different languages ​​use different strategies to build relative clauses. In some languages, structure of active turn into passive for this purpose. In addition, we showed that the German language uses the relative pronoun strategy to make the position of additional object available for making relative clauses. Whereas the Persian language can make the most difficult hierarchical position which is comparison structure available for creating relative clauses by using Pronoun-retention strategy. Therefore, the German language is more like the French language and Persian language has abilities ​​as well as English language. We can conclude that languages which use more various strategies to create a relative clause individualize more syntactic positions for creating relative clauses. In addition, we demonstrated two of the generalizations that are visible in the table of Keenan and Comrie. Although, this subject has been studied in different languages, but an independent research which considers Persian and German languages from this point of view has never been done before. The results of this paper can be useful for teachers and learners of any of the two languages ​​considered in this research.
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Article Type: Research Paper | Subject: Comparative linguistics
Published: 2017/07/23

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